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Everything posted by Milo

  1. Milo

    Sick Discus

    Thanks, I will try that. I also heard that you should turn the heat up to 88 to 90 so I will try that as well.
  2. Milo

    Sick Discus

    He started off fine, he has only been like this for the last 2 or 3 days. I have melafix in the tank right now. I plane on getting more but with the expense I can only afford 2 at a time. Would it be wise to put the other one with him?
  3. I have 2 Discus fish in my comunity tank. They are very small ,purchased from Big Al's about 2 weeks ago. 1 is doing great but the other 1 won't eat and is not doing good at all. I have moved the sick 1 to a hospital tank that I set up in a hurry just to isolate him. He has all of his colour still and looks like the healthy 1 but just kind of lays at the bottom of the tank. Should I put the healthy 1 in the tank with him, I heard some were that they should be in pairs to feel safe. The hospital tank is 10 gal with nothing but a heater and small filter in it. Some advice would be great. Thanks.
  4. Here are some pictures of my 60 Gallon planted tank. I have 6-small Angels, 2-Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami, 7-Neon Tetras, 3-Lemon Tetras, 3-Pepper Corys, 1-Panda Cory, 4-Zebra Snails And I just added 2-small Red Turquoise Discus
  5. I am new to the hobby and had a major algae break out. I had every kind of algae that I could find on the net and then some. I read that over doseing with Seachem Flourish excel would work, so I tried it. For 2 weeks I put 6 cap fulls evey day in my 60 gallon tank with all my plants and fish in there. Most of it cleared up, now I put 1 or 2 cap fulls in every day or 2. My fish are doing good and my plants are groing like crazy. I don't now if this helps you or not but I thought I would let you know about my experience.
  6. Milo


    Thanks for the info guys, I will keep a close I on them. Right now they are both the same size so they are evenly matched and they leave the other fish alone. The glass lid on my tank is fairly tight so they should be good for not jumping out.
  7. has not set their status

  8. Milo


    Just a little bit about my self. I started in the hobby just over a year ago with a 33gal tank and now I have moved up to a 60gal. I would like to get a 90gal next, but not yet. I have a planted tank with 14 neon tetra, 8 lemon tetra, 2 angels, 2 powder blue gourami, 2 rainbow sharks, 3 pepper cory, 1 panda cory & 2 panther crabs. I will have to see how the crabs and the sharks get along with the other fish as they grow, I may have to put them in a different tank. I am looking forward to getting as much advice and knowledge from this forum as I can and also meeting other people with the same intrests. That is all for now.
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