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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Depends on who you have selecting your Bettas when you import them I suppose and what you like.

    I've imported many hundreds of Bettas in my time...and so has fishclubgirl and sometimes you luck out and get several beauties, while other times you get something you definately did not care for. The LFS gets theirs imported too, so if you don't like theirs, then you might want to look at somewhere like aquabid to find the specific one you like. It will undoubtedly be very expensive though. ;)

    Can you list any sellers you have been impressed with or use often? Thanks!

  2. I got two CPO recently for my shrimp tank and right away one killed the other...lots of hiding places 20 G I thought that was more than enough room.

    But now I have noticed the remaining crayfish attacks anything that comes by it. Tonight I found my big bristlenose streaming blood. I removed the bristlenose so he can rest I hope. (hope he makes it :( ) As far as I read these crayfish are supposed to be fairly peaceful...I thought...??

    There is lots of food so I don't understand why it would be such a bully to the bristlenoses.

  3. I had the life glo alone on a 20 G and it grew all my plants no problem. I don't think it would grow a carpet though. Ideally I would have replaced it at the 10 month mark but i waited a bit longer.

    Double check the length of your bulb before you go to the store. Nothing worse than getting the wrong size and having to go back.

  4. Here is the very first one I made... (not counting the pipes where I messed up the first step)

    I think for the very first one it is good. Room for improvement but for the amount of material I got for the price ...yeah. I am still planning on polishing the edges of the funnel area to more of a rim because its pretty flat.

    Oh I haven't took the marker off this one yet.


    I gave the two nicer ones to my aunt and some tubing so she could muck around with the inflow thing because I don't have time till the holidays. Too heavy of a workload for school till finals. :(

  5. How many watts is the new light?

    It's only 15, I was wondering if the spectrum would be adequate for growing alone. However I decided to add another bulb because the look just didn't cut it.

    Speaking of the other bulb I bought to try. It's a new product from Lee Valley, it's specifically for plants, T5, roof mount for $29 bucks. However it does warn against use in damp places like all non-aquarium lights.


    -you can connect as many with a coupling cord (price undetermined as of yet)

    -it is to me cheap for a ready to use fixture with bulb included

    -gives some ridiculously long life in hours (we'll see)


    -doesn't come with power cord

    -roof mount

    -not made for aquarium moisture....but I think it'll be fine

  6. Thank you for your replies. I so know that what we see isn't the same to plants. I was more basing my judgement on that the corners look dark and completely unlit and everything is very shadowed. The "light" doesn't look like it makes it to the bottom however I have A TON of plants so maybe they're absorbing it...no idea.

    You say it's 5000? Hmm so would it be suitable to grow them or do I need to pair it with something? Pairing it seems rather silly as my last bulb grew the plants great alone so I would go back to that one.

    Ton of plants

    fertilize 2x week

    DIY CO2 , excel sometimes

  7. Today I decided to replace the 18" fluorescent light on my planted 20G. Well I went out and got this new brand I hadn't seen before called Aqueon...

    The bulb is called Floramax; Plant Growth. It doesn't directly say the wavelength but has a chart and looks to be around 6700 (i think if im reading it right...)

    Well I got home and put it in...

    it barely lights up the tank! everything is red tinged and dark. I have serious doubts about this bulb growing my plants when it doesn't even light up the tank at all. Does anyone have any experience with this brand/bulb?

    I am thinking of returning it as I am very unhappy with how it looks. The only thing that looks good are the shrimp you can barely see. shock.gif

  8. I had him in a tallish 2 gallon tank inside a large heated fry tank, but no filtration.

    His water was only a week and a half old. I've never seen any bettas fins go like that actually i've never had fin problems because my water is kept fairly clean. *cough* procrastination from studying ...

    ahh okay yes I definitely double shocked him then. I never used to use salt for bettas only other fish and then I guess one day I read it will decrease risk of infection and improve gill function. So i put some the odd time.

    Online it says their chins turn white from shock however I have no idea if that is true.

    Yes I don't have good habits of disinfecting between tanks, but I've never had a sick fish....and I'm thinking that's a lesson that you learn once you have that problem lol. The only sick fish I ever had was that one that came with internal parasites and he was isolated completely. I will get myself some Betta Revive for next time. Thanks your reply was very useful

    On a brighter note I do have 9 of his babies growing quite nicely. I crossed him with a black halfmoon femalewub.gif (so here is to hoping for some lookers)

  9. Today I found one of my favorite bettas dead. I don't really know what happened to him and want to know if this could be spread to other fish.

    Day 1: Notice his perfect halfmoon fins have really rotted/disappeared to 1/2 in ONE day. Non-heated water, but warm place.

    Day 2: Place in nice clean, heated tank by himself (previous home of another betta for 2 days). Added salt **Here is where I wonder if I added too much salt and shocked him or ??? I don't know

    Day 3-4: He is very inactive merely laying on the bottom hardly moving

    Day 5: Worry I added too much salt and move to clean tank. (severe lack of moment after salt was added)

    Day 6-7: totally lifeless won't eat

    Day 9 or so...dead BUT half his chin turned white (assume in night when he died/right before) It is not a "cottony" white it doesn't look fungal, but I have no idea what happened to him, he was young

    it really looks like someone just bleached him, it was very shiny/smooth

    Other things:

    -i noticed on the uneaten pellet i tried feeding him it had a blossom of white growth....this makes me think fungal

    Anyone ever experienced this before? or know what this is?

  10. You should condition your fish before you try breeding them...feed them blood worms, black worms, white worms...etc. You might get better results. Of course that's not to say they won't get in the mood if you don't. Also, i've found that making sure you have lots of infusoria greatly increased the survival of the fry...and they grow better too IME. I use lots of guppy grass loaded with water flea things and the fry seem to do really well growing in that too. Best of luck!

    I like this idea of the hairgrass please elaborate biggrin.gif

  11. I find if you remove the female and leave the male for a day or two that really gets him building. (as in after he has had a good look at her...)

    Is she ready? bars? I don't think you mentioned.

    Yeah it's pretty hard to raise the fry without live food there are quite a few people that would be willing to give you some sort of culture for free/cheap.

    I tried the bubble wrap last time and it felt like the nest got built quicker but didn't get/stay as big as when I tried with the cup...but one time with bubble wrap is hardly anything to base opinions on. Good luck!

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