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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Yes I need to look more into floating plants for simpler style tanks. Non-heated for starters..

    Lol maybe the rest of his life an exaggeration...I guess people do pay a lot for fish on here.. but I wouldn't pay that much for a betta from a store. Depends who you are lol and I would rather go to olive garden for lunch 4 times muahaha...can you tell I'm starving right now. Damn.blush.gif

    Totally off topic...anyhow yes will update when betta moves homes! Nobody has seen this though...they usually end up being able to build them??

  2. Well I am not aiming to breed this one.. yet. He is younger because of size and fin length in an unheated tank. It isn't a huge problem (also.."yet") just have never seen it before.

    I will update when he changes to a heated more established tank for possible breeding.

    I removed the female from his view will check if that does anything.

    Thanks guys!!

    BTW: I think gorgeous betta at PJS pets on calgary..haha but not gorgeous enough for 70$ OMG INSANE I've never seen one not imported for so much. Ha

    Pretty sure he is a white maybe closer to opaque with some cellophane on his fins... Little hard to classify for me. OH and he is a crowntail. Exotic looking. If anyone wants to see him ha I bet he will be there for...the rest of his life?

  3. I have a new betta and try as he might he can not build a bubble nest. I think that's what he is trying to do anyway...

    He is constantly showing off to the female and blowing at the surface..but it is almost like his mouth opens to wide and no bubbles seem to stay just pop. I wish I could video it cause it's like he is swallowing so much air for like 3 long seconds at a time then he tries but no....

    Could the water be too clean?? I'm going to stop changing it awhile see if that does anything.

    He has a little cup to build it under and he is always at the surface trying but..nothing works!

    Anyone ever seen this???

  4. Yeah I don't think CO2 would stress out betta...you added it already? It could be a pH issue since the Edge's are kind of smaller or too much current they aren't fond of it like jvision said...there are always the odd ones though.

    If you're doing homemade CO2 i found adding baking soda makes the difference in how long it lasts for me.

  5. So I was at PJs pets and actually it never hit me till i started writing this that valentines is coming up but..

    They have mollies um that have tattooed/dyed pink hearts on them. They are... ugly but I kinda felt bad for them...what is the process to get a shape on a fish. Strategic injections?

    I don't know how are fish dyed just injected with color...huh.gif It seems kinda unneeded? Anyway it was something new to me. *shrug*

  6. Hello- I'm not sure if you're looking to buy them from a store or...(am new here, sorry!)

    I saw a tank of them (labelled "galaxy rasboras") at Big Al's in Calgary. Maybe the Big Al's in Edmonton will have some as well? I would think they get basically the same stock? They were $5.99/fish and ridiculously cute


    Yeah, sorry, this is the "Breeding" forum =)

    Please ignore the newb =)

    No that's fine! They do have them here at Big Al's and they are now 9.99/fish. TNT (online store here in Edmonton) has them for 4.00/fish but they aren't available yet I am waiting for the guy to let me know.

  7. Yeah I agree PJS on calgary trail seems to have the nicest ones. They have had every type at different times. Last week I saw a lot of new double tails and dragon coloring. Plus last week they were all on sale for 2.99 or 3.99 I think (not females though sad.gif )

    HOWEVER I picked a very exotic half moon melano out of their big planted tank (above the tank with all the plants) and he had a serious parasite infection. I wouldn't buy any fish from that ***tank*** again because of the type of parasite it is very difficult to treat and I feel very certain they do not have the ability and will not treat the tank for it (because of the type of parasite only). That being said I recommend the bettas at this PJS.

    The Petsmart (fairly close) has cheaper females but they all seem to be veil tale when I have looked.

    I am thinking next time I go to Calgary I will have to see what Ms. fishclubgirl has available!

  8. for 10 gallons...

    Endlers would be my first choice also. + dwarfed cories (cute lol), shrimp

    Shrimp alone (mixed compatible types).

    I think I am going to get some Pearl danios for my tank.

    Neons..tetras? (there are quite a few types now a mix would be cool). Rummy nose tetras are kinda nice similar cherry barbs in size

    ... Other types of danios?

    Let us know what you end up getting.wink.gif

  9. lol at the cricket fighting intensity...I can just imagine

    I bet those fish would be pretty good quality if you could produce a line.. but they might not be good for breeding AND yeah how do they get a line going because once one is a "champion" would he still have it in him to mate and not tear the female apart? Considering they are hard enough on the female already I have my doubts. So claims of champion lines that seems a bit far fetched. Siblings? Retired champions? Speculation of course.

  10. Sierra, swing by my place tomorrow and i'll help you out. i believe i have enough levamisole to treat a 55 gallon so i can easily spare some. i also have experience with successful treatment for callamanus, so i can walk you through everything.

    give me a shout. 780-934-8261

    You are a life saver. I will give you a call tomorrow after school around 3. Crossing my fingers they hang in there. Pretty sure I still have your address in an old PM...I have been so unorganized since getting back on Sunday.

    Pet store has nothing but that food but now they both aren't eating so it won't help. Yes I tried rubbing with garlic although I don't even know if that works.

  11. Thanks to everyone for their quick responses, and for all your help! I got my hands on some medicine today, and I will be working on weighing it out and treating in the next day or so, Thank you to everyone who helped! I really appreciate it, it's great to have such a quick and helpful community such as Alberta Aquatica to turn to for help! I'm sure my fish will greatly appreciate it, and thank you once again everyone for helping to save my fish :)



    Hey where did you get your treatment from? I have just recently identified this problem and need to find some asap.


    I came back from my holidays and my two newest bettas looked thin and ill. Before I went away I had noticed one refused to eat but kinda brushed it off he was not happy where he was in his new temporary home. Now I noticed the worms coming out of him regularly. I just found out what these were today and am pretty worried.

    Has anyone treated these with a product you can buy somewhere and not import?

    I have two small bowls that need treated. I would like to treat my 20 gallon tank because I had put some of the sick betta's water into it. (DUMB! - didn't think he had anything)

    This is a one of a kinda betta I payed dearly for and he was supposed to be my prize breeding male. The other sick fish is the female I planned to breed him with...however she can be replaced if necessary.

    I could really use some advice quickly on where to get a treatment product! Prefer one that someone has experience with.

    He is not eating so medicated foods won't work. cry1.gif

    Research says levamisole or fenbendazole? WHERE CAN I GET THESE!? Will be taking a trip to the LPS to read all the labels and hope to find something.

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