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  1. the clown loach would probably eat shrimp i'd think. you might be saying goodbye to your shrimp....i'd put them into a smaller aquarium for good OR at least for a few months, let them breed and once you have lots put them back into the original aquairum so they'll have a better chance of their species surviving (cus some will surely become fish snacks).
  2. In the titel I rounded up to 30 but technically its 28 gallons if i remember right! I also have a hob aquaclear 50 gallon! Oh and thanks Jason for the endlers, shrimp and plants i bought off you a while back Tanks looks great now, i did some diy C02 and they've grown in a bit! any more suggestions? hers a pic...although i just took it with my webcam so its not very high quality! you just see neons though! I have root driftwood one hanging from the top, one from the bottom and some ohko stone with lots of little caves and i forced java moss to grow on it!
  3. I want 1 or 2 fish that will be be a bit bigger/and or stand out from the rest What do you suggest consdieirng what i got! I have a few platies (all females) A few endlers (all males) 8 neons a few dwarf cory cats a small collection of cherry shrimp I'v done the math and i have a few inches of fish to spare (if you go by that rule) I'm pretty good about water changes &I also have a number of live plants! I don't want anything that'll eat my other fish or shrimp. I though of maybe a dwarf gourami...but i read it MAY eat my shrimp! What do you suggest!
  4. i feed them seperatley with a turkey baster though anyway
  5. any experience with African dwarf frogs and dwarf gourami's getting along...so far i've read mixed reviews
  6. loquacity


    liiked fish forever, but parents wouldn't allow eventually got a 10 gallon tank, now i just upgraded to a bigger tank very stressful job so the fish are a nice break I like the freshwater community fish mostly so far... would love to start an african lake tank eventually So far i have 2 african dwarf frogs a few platies (that had kids) 2 albino cory cats
  7. what is a good bottom dweller that - Churns the sand up really good - Looks neat - doesn't get very big - isn't too expensive I currently have : - 2 dwarf african frogs - a few platies - 2 albino cory cats ( i thought the cory cats would churn the sand but they just brush the top millimeter or 2 ) OR should i just consider a type of snail
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