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Posts posted by jamesbarr

  1. hmm, well I am planning on having a sandy bottom. I have heard that they can be rooters (rooting around in substrate) That was where the concern for the plants came in.

    I think I will over come that little issue by just tying my anubius to a nice piece of driftwood.

    They dont eat plants do they?

    Are all these types relatively common? The reason I ask is that I live in Barrhead (rural) and only make it to the city ever few weeks. Big Als in Edmonton is my staple store, however I am more than ope to other suggestions if there are better. I havent got tons of time to run around to different stores when I am in Edmonton, so if I know where I need to go that will help me a lot. Any suggestions?

    Thank you all for your help so far. Ill be sure to post pictures of the tank you all helped me build :D

  2. It depends of what kind of dwarfs you plan on keeping .

    I have

    Apistogramma Bitaeniata Sp. Reds

    Apistogramma Bitaeniata Sp. Orange

    In a wood and leaf tank as they do better there and I have

    Apistogramma Cacatuoide in my planted tank as he does better there ...

    Find out what kind you want and then go from there



    I was leaning toward a predominately rock tank, maybe a little plant life here and there but nothing more than maybe an anubius on some drift wood or something. very clean and basic design.

    Based on that, do you have any recommendations on type of dwarf?

  3. curious,

    I have a 33gal long tank, looking to set it up as a dwarf cichlid tank. I am looking for advice.

    Plants, or no plants?


    Anything that someone would think I should know, I would appreciate it. I have never kept these fish before. I have decent experience with planted aquariums and some school fish. Cichlids seem relatively common, does that mean that they are easy?

    Thanks for your help.


  4. I was considering making a background out of foam before and Henry from Nature's cornerstore said they carry a black foam. They use it for making ponds etc. I can't remember a name for it though.

    that guy is awesome, i love his store.

  5. i have little experience with a tank this size. I have kept 15 or less forever now. so I am not sure, do i need more filtration? or should i be good to go with just the one?

    on another note, I am being told that sand is a good substrate for planted aquariums. is that true or an i being fed a line? One guy told me that its good for the root systems ( less resistance to growth than normal gravel) I am concerned about pockets of poo developing in the sand and not escaping. The reason i worry about this is because of how goopy sand is when wet. Am I crazy?

  6. i got a 33 gallon tank, along with a light that is too long for said tank lol. an AC55, an anubias, some heaters and then a red leaved plant that I dont know the name of.

    That RO unit went for dirt cheap too. too bad you lost it, would have been a nice thing to have. And there were definitely a ton of cherry shrimp there, a ton of which were bought up by my buddy lol, he went nuts on those for sure. I watched a pair of Red Oscars get bought up for a toonie. Not too bad lol.

    Im already looking forward to the one in October. Ill have to buy some cheap show fish.

  7. Hey all, I have some questions.

    I won a 33 gallon tank in the auction this weekend along with an AC 50 filter. Is this going to be enough filtration if I am planning to have the tank heavily planted?

    Im thinking of an anubias, along with some tiger val and a variety of other long and short leafs. Im also planning on a big school on danios, another of neons or cardinals, a few show fish which i havent named in my head yet, along with your run of the mill bottom feeders.

    Any help?

  8. Hey, Im James and Im new to the community. I have one 5 gallon planted aquarium at the moment. looking to start up one that is much bigger still. just need to find the appropriate set up for the right price. (if you know of any, let me know) Im from Edmonton area.

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