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Posts posted by Ghostface

  1. Hello all, I need some advice on my Angelfish. I got 6 Angel's about 4 months ago, they were about 6 months old at that time, so they are around 10 month old. 2 of them have started to clean the surface of my terracotta pot. This is my main tank, there are 4 other Angels in the tank and they are fighting off the corner of the tank. This being the first spawn, do I leave them in the main tank and let them spawn, or should I be moving them to my 15 gallon breeding tank even though they have already started to clean the pot? I would assume that the other Angels are going to eat all the egg's or just harass the parents all day long. What should I be doing with my Breeding Pair after they spawn a few times and get the hang of it? Leave them in the community tank and just remove the terracotta pot with eggs on it?

    I would like to raise the fry, and have a tank setup with sponge filter, bare bottom and plastic amazon sword plant on one side of tank, and terracotta pot on opposite side.

    I guess what I'm confused with is this; Do I always keep the breeding pair in the 15 gallon to spawn then remove them into community tank once they lay eggs or do I leave them in the tank with the other Angel's and just move the slate or pot once eggs are layed?


  2. I have some Cherry Shrimp in my Fluval Flora tank as well, I bought 20 of them and have fished out about 5-6 dead ones over the past month or so. I did see a Baby one last night so it can't be too bad.

    I think the Flourish Excel killed off some of my shrimp, I think that stuff is pretty toxic to those lil buggers. I'm just glad they didn't all die. Oh, and around the same time one of my Female Guppies was floating

    around on the surface.

  3. Sounds like somebody has a bad case of MTS(Multiple Tank Syndrome) LOL!


    Yea I really can't help myself, its too much fun! I would like to raise some Angelfish and German Blue Rams, hopefully the will spawn in the next few months.

  4. Hello, I have a pair (at least I think I do, I'll take some pictures tomorrow) of GBR. I am setting up a nice 15-20 gal tomorrow, with plants, hiding places, $30 bag substrate (ouch, better be worth it!). I've researched forums through google etc. I found out they like PH of about 6, and like warm water (around 78-80). I have had these guys for about 3 months now and they are doing great, eating well etc. I currently have them in my Fluval Flora tank which is to small, its heavily planted, but I haven't really put in any flat surfaces or hiding places for them spawn on, although I've read they will also dig a nest into substrates and lay eggs there. Is there any special techniques you guys use to get them to spawn? Again, I've read 50% water changes, feeding them brine shrimp and bloodworms might get them in the mood. I bought some PH down today in hopes to soften the water, since Calgary water has a PH of like 8 out of the tap.

    So, to all you GBR breeders out there, any tips would be much appreciated, thanks

  5. I own a Fluval Flora tank, I love it, its pretty small, but its a blast to setup, very minimal maintenance. The plants grow like crazy, Some of my plants are growing an inch a day.

    Currently I have some cherry shrimp, 2 Blue German Ram's (which I'm transferring to a 20gal tomorrow) some snails and 3 Fancy Guppies and some fry. I have had that tank

    for about 3 months now, and am still on my first CO2 canister (I release it very slow) such a small tank doesn't need much. Also the CO2 setup is built for a 15 gal apparently, and the

    fluval is only 7.6 or something. Only complaint so far is the lighting system that broke after just a month. I finally had it replaced free of charge since there was a manufacturing error with

    some of the units. Its all fixed now, and can't be happier. It is pricey to buy and setup, but in the end it looks great. Its silent, so you could even set it up in your bedroom and not notice it.

  6. Hello all, I just started this new hobby about 3 months ago. I started with a 15 Gallon, bought a few Rasbora Het, Cherry Barb and few others that I dont know the name of (cheap fish).

    Anyway, I quickly got bored of my small tank so I bought a 36 gallon tank along with 6 juvi angel fish that I am now in the process of raising and hopefully getting to spawn. They are a blast to watch, and have so much personality.

    They are starting to separate into corners and chase off anyone that comes near....however, I don't see a pair forming yet, it seems 2 dominant males have claimed a side, and now they are chasing the rest of them into the middle of the tank.

    I also purchased a Fluval Flora tank which I love. I threw in some cherry shrimp along with some snails and some Fancy Guppy's and their fry. Love the tank, the plants are growing like crazy and I have taken the trimmings and tossed them

    into my 36 gallon, so far they are doing ok without the CO2, every once in a while I throw a cap full of flora excel, that seems to do the trick. In the future I hope to get into a 120gal-180gal tank, and set it up with plants and the whole bit, but for now,

    I dont have the room or place to put something that large. I am going to buy another 20 gallon tank to keep my German Blue Ram's in, and hopefully get some babies from them (so far they haven't spawned), but I also haven't really provided them

    with hiding places, or lowered to the suggested PH, if anyone has any experience with that let me know!

    Ok, thats enough of an introduction, happy fishkeeping.

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