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Everything posted by BigWater

  1. Hey guys/gals, I was just curious what venues be it shops/ online/ other members or friends have you fellow shrimpers found to be a good means of aquiring new and different shrimp stocks. I ask this for two reasons; I too would like more and different varieties of shrimp, and secondly I have noticed A LOT of people LF shrimp of various colors/breeds. So far we have cherry reds rhino bamboo All of them are really neat and the more you read and learn about them the better. Man do they ever have different personalities, and ways of moving about. lol some jump and shoot through the water others, slowly float and others motor boat around lol. Looking forward to hearing from all of you Cheers!
  2. The amano's are huge they are like raptors when it comes to feeding time. lol they seriously come crawling from over the pellet it funny to watch.
  3. At this moment in our 30g tank we have 5 amano shrimp and approx. 15 red cherry shrimp. What we are unsure of is how much to feed these litle guys. They used to love eating the food pellets for catfish ( tetra min tropical tablets) . Now should we do any extra feeding or is a pellet good enough? no pellet? zucchini? The tank is NOT heavily planted, but they do like to browse on the wood we have in there and whatever is floating around. Any comments?
  4. Wow guys thats awsome.... Alot of great info and things to think about. In the past we used to just add the conditioned water bucket by bucket. That just doesn't work anymore so turning the filter off, good idea, heater off also and good idea. And dose in advance . All this should leave us with a nice happy community.
  5. We picked up one of those pythons for doing water changes and adding water. My main question is do you add water conditioner to your tank then add the water straight from the tap?
  6. you should post a picture of it. It sounds like a neat thing to have in a tank. I would suposed you would plant the unsalted variety. But i do love the chocolate covered ones. You should try that one next. mmmmm But for real a picture would be cool :smokey:
  7. cool, did you just plant an almond in your tank?!?:smokey:
  8. Hey, Shrimps are a fun thing to keep. My wife and I just had our first batch of little ones. All the best to yah.
  9. well just keep trying give them regular water changes and you should do fine, give the little ones places to hide and your mortality rate will go down
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