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Everything posted by ty_s

  1. outstanding and i am out of town right now lol maybe i can talk BettaFishMommy in to picking up 2 for me lol
  2. i see a glimpse of them from time to time in my plants it is hard to get a fish count in my tank due to the plants just ask BettaFishMommy i have a hitchhiker Betta in my tank from natures corner made it home in a oz of water with a plant. i put it in my tank trying to save it then did not see it for 4 days then bettafishmommy spotted it right before i was heading back to work Tuesday
  3. my stock list is something like this it may be out one or 2 fish hear or there 75 gallon tank planted co2 4x54w Ho t5 1 eheim pro3 2075 1 eheim pro3 2073 4X yellow tall tetras or red eyes 4 x Siamese algae eater 7- 10x otto cats 5 x cardies 10-12 rummy nose 1 small albino bn pleco 1 small albino bn pleco long fin 10-12 Pork Chop Rasbora 3 or 4 coy cats 15-18 white cloud mountain minnows 4-7x scarlet badis 2x blue rams new today one male one female 1 hitchhiker Betta from natures corner made it home in a oz of water with a plant
  4. so i just made the mistake of looking at Canadian aquatics web site and i saw L10a Red lizard now i want one. any info about them would be grate seams a little sparse in Google land i am looking i believe there ok with other fish and plants and top out at about 4" and the females are reder then the males. has any one seen them in a lfs? if so how much and were?
  5. whats left there for lfs? pet land in gateway? and the little store down by coop with 1/2 the lights brunt out on her tanks and the old dog that greats you when you walk in
  6. nice fish man next time your in the city you need to stop by and take some photos for me
  7. i believe the males only get the spikes on the nose but i am new to bristlenose plecos as well
  8. it needs the leafs out of water i believe
  9. maybe post a photo. are the other fish picking on hm at all i use to have 5 parrots and if stressed they would change a bit
  10. side note were did you find moss balls?
  11. volume/flow รท time = pressure a flow meter will tell you how many GPM you have
  12. lack of food? they eat trash in your tank left over food and such i know if am hungry i do not want repopulate the world. i know with MTS the numbers stay low inles there is a lot of food for them then there like rabbits in edmonton. i believe snails are smarter then some people no food why add baby's. do you not have some bottom dwellers in the tank that pick up the scraps? what is your current stock list ?maybe some one is picking on the snails when the lights are off
  13. You find a flow meter and see what your flow is And make sheer there is no water saver on your dam line.
  14. why noy call oceanic and ask? That dam reserch again
  15. Fake. No co2 cichlid safe ya plastic would work besides that expensive fish food
  16. Is there a sticker that says do not drill? I think there is also a test you can do with lights as well or reserch your brand of tank
  17. Can you drill your tank? Or is it tempered? Is there a reason to replace your fluvals? I just did not like mine after one sucked air!! Might be cheaper to go with a higher quality filter eheim?
  18. any one hear ever use a IP cam before i am looking at the air link 101 ones
  19. talk to you lfs and see if they will get it in for you i can think of one or 2 stores that would most likely would order you in fish aquarium central might me worth a trip
  20. I still say you should keep a rattle snake in your bath tub and see how that works for you
  21. why do you not try keeping a pet rattle snake in your bath tub and hop in for a shower try that and see if that works for you
  22. your the kind of kid that would put 4 woman with PMS in a car to Vancouver for a road trip in July and get in the car thinking there would be no fighting! use your head buddy
  23. if you ask and reed about it first maybe you would not go there to start with? save a fish some stress?
  24. i vote this guy should be restricted to feeder gold fish until he hits puberty. today he is punting the meanest fish he can find in the same tank? tomorrow he will be going with fancy gold fish become a responsible fish keeper do some research. just do not throw fish together just because it is cool . maybe see if they can live together and THRIVE first? maybe you should keep stamps rocks or pine cones? NOTHING THAT DEPENDS ON YOU FOR A GOOD LIFE
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