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Posts posted by laurensdad

  1. if you look at some of the places in the world we get our fish from they might only see rain 2 or 3 times a year then sometimes not even that. if you look at a small pond/ lake with no external water sources stream river or spring, heck even a community pond in the city that only gets rain water run off. yeyt will thrive with fish., your right we do baby our thanks to much

  2. as silly as this sounds have you tried given the fish a toy? orange hockey ball or a floating fishing lure or something fun for him.

    is there alot of water movement in the tanks ? give him some bubbles from a air stone to play with. big fish are like 2 year old kids the get board day to day in a glass box

  3. I once left a tank for two years - I was busy chasing girls and partying it up. The tank became known as Degobah. Te water evaporated and I actually threw a blanket over it bc it looked so bad. Yet I still had some pennywort find it's way out of the canopy and grew a nice emmersed bush outside the back of the canopy; and, when I finally restarted the tank, the Crypts, Anubias and ferns all grew. If anyone has ever gotten any of those plants from me, they were in this tank!

    oh my that is not good at all.

  4. Thought i should post something on hear i have not spent much time on AA in the last bit .

    So has any one else done the 4 to 6 week on water change thing this summer? I have and to my dismay my tanks did vary well it helps that my 75 and 27 gallon tanks are vary planted. I did a re scape on my 75 one night it was over 3 weeks before i replanted everything I went out of town for 2 weeks and just left plants floating. the tank is 100% replanted now though but it just dose not look as good as it once did i gave away a 4 large zip lock freezer bags of plants though it is starting to fill back in.

    so i have 2 questions for every one who reeds this tiered.

    1. The longest you ever went with out a water change and what made you change it?

    2. what is the longest amount of time you you spent on a re scape of your tank with out daring the tank and replacing fish?

  5. I'm actually no to sure, we use to run our water thru a RO filter, but I think we just run it thru a basic filter, we don't add anything to the water at all...

    Are you able to test your water before it gos in to your filter set up? i am willing to bet there is some sort of softener. that is messing with your kh and gh

    check out this web page big iron driling and see if anything looks like what you have

  6. the un educated guess would be no get the other fish out . but the mom and dad might keep the other fish away it is a hard call. i have seen tanks with baby's in them with lots of other fish you could roll the dice and might get lucky with them in there. would it stress mom and dad out if there friends disrepair ? then they kill the young?

  7. I have nothing foreign in my tanks everything is from the pet store, in the tank that I'm testing is a 15 gal and then I have a 50 gal as well. Then only thing that I have been adding to the tank is pH down, and that would explain why it is not making a difference. I am using well water so that probably would explain why its so high.. Now the test kit says to use. Nutrafin KH booster..what do you think about this product? And by lowering the KH this will allow me to lower the pH?

    9.0 ph is fine man. do you have a water softener on your well?? most likely uses some kind of salt might be from big county drilling or a different company? your well water gets pumped in to a perisher tank from the well then what else do you filter your ground water go though?

  8. K so I went out and got a liquid KH/GH test kit.. When I tested bottled water this is what I got for KH 4 drops to turn yellow and for GH only one drop to turn blue and for my tank water for KH I stopped at 26 drops it just kept getting a darker blue and for GH 3 drops to turn blue...so could you help interprate this?

    on the paper that is in the box theres some math it is (drops) x 17.9= ppm so your kh is off the charts and your gh is57.3 ppm.

    ok you have been dumping what in to your tank to buffer your PH? what is your tap waters PH? do you have any rocks you picked out of a river or not from a fish store in your tank? with your kh off the charts you will never change your PH. KH is a buffering capacity the lower the KH the easier to change your PH.

    what is in your tank that is not fish? some thing is making your water vary hard. how often do you do water changes? how large is this tank? are you on well water? do you add any salt to your tanks?

    the ph down would be acting as a buffer. read the package dose it contain any phosphates? witch product is it? i am reaching hear with this but the ph down could be killing your fish.

    Iwould start doing by doing a 50- 70% water change and then 25% water changes 3 or 4 times a week till you have your fish tanks back on your tap water. do not add anything to your water besides prime. it might take 2 or 3 weeks to get your KH down even with massive water changes .

    then star fresh you have something piloting your tank

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