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Newbie (1/14)

  1. One morning not too long ago, I went to check on our school of eight tiger barbs. Well, low and behold I could only count seven. For the life of me, I couldn't think of what happened! There was no sign of a carcass anywhere. Later that day, I just happened to glace under the table the tank rests on, and there was the poor little guy long since dead! He must have jumped out of the tank some point at night. Has anyone else out there had this happen? Are barbs known jumpers? Are they known to spook easily at night or something? (And yes, there is a lid covering about 90% of the top. The only space is where the filter comes over the rim of the tank. Water quality is all good, and they have ample room. I don't think he was purposefully trying to comming fish-iside or anything). Thanks all!
  2. Wow, just goes to show how little variety there can be at the LFS. Beautiful!
  3. Hello wonderful world out there! I am extremely new to the whole fish-scene here, but am loving all of it. I've just set up a small tank with guppies in it and am enjoying all of their antics. I look forward to looking deeper into A.A. and seeing what other great advice I can come up with! Cheers! Katie
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