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Everything posted by Kathy

  1. Thanks for the input. I'm just not 100% sure it is fin rot so I'm not sure that I should treat it. Good advise on water change, maybe I'll start there, my tank is a 33 gallon and I have about 14 fish in there right now. Do you think the mollies would pick on the guppies, from what I've seen they don't really bug each other but maybe they do when I'm at work or during the night.. who knows. Also these guppies are from the pet store and yes they did tell me that the guppies are weak due to inbreeding but I've had them for about 6 weeks now with no problem and in the past 3-4 days, I've lost 3 guppies
  2. Hi, I've had multiple fatalities in one of my molly/guppy tanks. The fatalities were mostly guppies and it looks like part of their tail is either missing or shredded, i've google this and the only thing that comes up is fin rot? I've already had my water tested three times at the pet store and again at home but everything turn out ok. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what it may be and how to cure it? I don't want to loose anymore fish, if it is fin rot is there a way to be sure before medicating the tank, on one of the website it says to use Melafix for fin rot. Is this going to keep spreading to my other fish, should I do a complete water change?
  3. Thanks for the quick reply, I'm not sure if it's fin rot. Thanks for the input, I haven't seen any bullying but I guess it's a possibility.
  4. Hi, I've had multiple fatalities in one of my molly/guppy tanks. The fatalities were mostly guppies and it looks like part of their tail is either missing or shredded, i've google this and the only thing that comes up is fin rot? I've already had my water tested three times at the pet store and again at home but everything turn out ok. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what it may be and how to cure it? I don't want to loose anymore fish, if it is fin rot is there a way to be sure before medicating the tank, on one of the website it says to use Melafix for fin rot. Is this going to keep spreading to my other fish, should I do a complete water change?
  5. lol, thanks, love the excuse, I think I'll use that one
  6. I'm new to the hobby and as I'm finding out this hobby isn't cheap, even though I've purchased most of my supplies used, I've still had to buy some new. Can anyone tell me what kind of filter is better hang on or cannister? I have only fresh water tanks for now and one of my tank is a little cloudy so I'm wondering if it's the filter and thought of buying a new one. Also for heaters should you get bigger than recommended or stick to what is recommended on the heater.
  7. Just wondering if different mollies can breed with each other?
  8. I just started this hobby a few weeks ago and became obsessed by it. I now have three tanks total, one is a thirty three gallon with guppies and mollies, another thirty three gallon with silver dollars, bala shark, dwarf gourami, and my last tank is a twenty nine gallon with a blue lobster(crawfish). Canada Day was very exciting as one of my guppies had her babies, we only save seven of them. I bough just about all my stuff used on Kijiji but when I went to the pet store, an employee suggested this site, so far it looks like there is a lot of information available.
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