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Posts posted by jeremoose

  1. Hey all,  I recently picked up a used 38g aquarium for a good price.  I filled it up and didn't give it too much thought at first but on closer inspection it was bowing quite a lot tonight.  I quickly pulled water from it without checking just how much it was bowing and would now feel better if it had a center brace.  What's my best DIY option here?  It currently has a plastic trim piece on the top but doesn't appear to have ever had a center brace.  I was considering removing the trim and getting 3 pieces of glass that I would install on top of the tank with silicone in place of the trim or possibly adding a piece of acrylic sheet between the existing trim pieces and bonding it together somehow.

    Any suggestions are welcome.



  2. Things look good for now but running that much light over that tank for 8 hours a day will result in a LOT of algae at some point, your Anubias leaves and glass will be covered. For foreground plants I've always been a big fan of pygmy chain swords.

    Best of luck with the tank, make sure to take weekly shots so you can really see the progress!

  3. Brought home some thorichthys helleri, honduran red points (they're looking a little rough, worried about them!), some spotted Raphael's, some BN plecos, and a massive piece of driftwood.

    You got that massive piece? I missed when that went.

    Yeeeah I did, now I have to waterlog the thing.

  4. Hi I am Colin, I currently live in Edmonton. I recently started back into the hobby, soon to be breeding bettas. I have an assortment of barbs, swordtails and mollies at the moment. I hope to expand on that soon lol

    Awesome! Any pics of your setups? Coming to the auction on Sunday to help expand things? :D

  5. I really want to get a salt water tank going. I have been looking around at different set ups. My question is:

    Do I buy a new set up or a used set up?

    If I buy "used" it has got to be a huge undertaking just moving everything. What are the chances that everything will still be alive when I set it up again?



    I'd say buy new simply because it forces you to research EVERY piece of equipment before you get it.

  6. drip it if the two water param's are that far apart.

    The params aren't a massive difference but I bet your right, I should probably be dripping. I thought that with such a tiny water change (5%) I'd be okay. Doesn't really explain why I lost Yellow Shrimp and not the more sensitive CRS though, hmmmm.

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