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Everything posted by AJanzen

  1. Even if they are both mystery snails, don't discount them attacking. I've witnessed a mystery snail consume one of my dwarf frogs before. If they can eat it they will.
  2. Could be the danio, sometimes they can be grumpy and act like bullies when they're the loner in the tank. Usually a small school of them will take the aggression away as they'll focus on each other instead. Could be one of the other glowlights too though, unless you see who's doing it it can be hard to nail down a culprit.
  3. Could be wrong, but that looks like a zebra snail (in the Nerite family). If the larger one is an actual 'Mystery Snail' it's probably trying to kill it. Don't know much about the foot though, pretty weird. My guess is it's a genetic abnormality and won't survive long if attacked, as the foot should cover the entire opening of the shell to protect the snail.
  4. If you relocate the tank you can iodine bath any plants, wood, decorations, etc... That'll kill off any snails and their eggs. Might want to replace your substrate as well. Just give everything you iodine bath a good rinse after and you should be fine.
  5. The up side of snails is FERTILIZER! When my snail population gets a little high I just hand pick them out of the tank and chuck them in a freezer bag. Into the freezer they go, then come spring crush 'em up and into the garden they go.
  6. Best bet is to get a photobucket.com account or something similar. When you upload photos on that site you can copy an 'embed' address and your pictures will show up on any of your posts you copy it too. This saves time trying to manage your pictures on the forum and gives you virtually unlimited space to upload and store your aquarium photos. Hope that helps!
  7. Hmmm... plecos and loaches breeding as well hey? Would you guys recommend dividers when breeding or just let everyone go buck wild? I also wouldn't mind keeping my hatchet fish. Don't think they'd bother any fry as they almost never leave the top 5 inches of the aquarium. They should also be able to handle a slightly colder water change out as they are from the same area as many corys, no? I wouldn't do extremely harsh cold water change outs, probably 20% at 10C cooler than the aquarium water. Thinking that shouldn't lower the temp too drastically for a 75 gallon, also should I be maintaining my water temp a little higher? I am currently sitting at room temperature (24C steady in this household).
  8. So, getting a little tired of my 75 gallon tropical community tank and wanting to take it in a different direction. Right now it's stocked with 4 corydoras species, kuhli loaches, a mega clown pleco, rubbernose pleco, hatchet fish, and various guppies, swordtails, and platies. The only ones I'm attached to in there right now are the corys, the loaches and the plecos. Wondering if these guys would be able to handle the cold water change outs needed to spur the corys to spawn. If not, what fish out there are benign and could handle the cold water change outs? Want to completely revamp the tank around the corys so if someone else has gotta go then so be it. Would like to keep the kuhli's though, they're pretty fun to watch.
  9. Looks like a really beat up common pleco. With a little TLC, he should be fine. I could be wrong though, JVision will probably know for sure!
  10. You've done it to me once again kijiji. I responded to an ad less than one minute after the post was listed for a free 125 gallon tank (checked the dimensions actually about a 110). 2 days later still no response, is this a hoax. Would've been a perfect cichlid tank as it was listed as 6ft long.Single tear followed by other single tears.
  11. AJanzen


    Welcome to the forum! Browse through the planted tank section if you're looking for some good info. Chances are people have had the same or similar questions you may have and they've already been answered.
  12. So I have a 29G tank set up for my cichlid fry, currently it only has 2 blue dolphin fry and a single peacock fry. The biggest one is about 3/4". The tank is pretty minimal with some rock hiding places and cichlid sand to keep the pH levels correct. The temp is kept at 29C. Just wondering what a good clean up fish would be for these guys, don't want anything aggressive as I plan on putting any other new arrivals in there and would like them to survive. Would a small pleco do the trick? Wondering if anyone had any good suggestions for a compatible cleaner fish that would do well with the pH and temp of the tank while leaving the babies alone.
  13. Just read about the sale at 3:30 on facebook. Raced over there and took and advantage. Woot!
  14. Just wondering if anyone else hit up the sale today. It was 2 for 1 on all fish and plants. I got 4 pepper cory's for 12 bucks, 4 kuhli loaches for 8 bucks and 6 tiger barbs for 15 bucks. The gf wasn't all that impressed when I got home but I thought I'd done fairly good.
  15. Want some for a 36gallon bowfront RCS dedicated tank. Tried Big Al's but all they had was the expensive stuff that comes pre-cycled so you can add fish right away and I really don't need to spend $60 on sand. Tried Home Depot, PJ's southside, Petsmart, and All Season's Gardening off Whyte. Anyone seen some around for a decent price or know where to find? Thanks.
  16. Great, now I want some. I'm sure that's gonna go over really well with the gf. :P
  17. If the tank is planted I would just get some Malaysian trumpet snails and you don't really have to worry about cleaning the gravel. As for siphoning I just use a length of airline tubing, it's slow going but I haven't sucked up a shrimp yet. With your sponge filter just pull it up and give it a bit of a shake. Like sprucegruve said, they'll scatter pretty quick.
  18. I've been wanting to try the straight from the tap method for a long time, my question is how do you go about temperature matching? Wouldn't alot of fish be shocked and possibly killed from a sudden temperature change? That's the only thing that's been holding me back. I currently fill, temperature match, and treat water in a 5 gallon bucket before adding it to the tank. It's extremely tedious though when doing large change outs on the big tanks.
  19. Too bad, I would've been interested in some of the babies too!
  20. Just a little side warning here, if you go with dwarf frogs be extremely cautious of snails. My first tank I had set up had 5 dwarf frogs and some guppies. Everything was going smoothly until I decided to add some mystery snails as a clean up crew. Over the next week my frogs started disappearing. Couldn't figure out what was going on until when day by fluke chance I caught one of the mystery snails come across one of the remaining frogs legs and before the frog could swim away it had him in its evil snail grasp. Pretty crazy to watch, but the mystery snail managed to engulf and eat the frog in a very short sitting. Smaller snails probably wouldn't be a problem (any nerites, MTS, or RHS) but just a word to the wise.
  21. Depends on what your situation is. UV sterilizers are great for eliminating water bourne algae's and minimizing harmful bacteria in a tank. A couple years ago our koi tank became infested with a waterbourne algae that we could not get rid of despite doing a complete tank clean out (new gravel and everything). The algae have been stuck to the fish. We bought a 9W Submariner and within a week the water was crystal clear again. That being said the UV sterilizer is now broken. Not too sure what happened but last time I inspected it water had gotten through the seals and it no longer works. May have been my own fault last time I replaced the bulb or perhaps the seals just became worn and cracked and I didn't replace them soon enough to save the unit. If you are going to buy one, check it out online. From what I've seen after buying mine they are significantly cheaper online as are the bulbs. Try www.petsandponds.com or www.drsfostersmith.com
  22. So yesterday when I got home from work the gf and I were admiring her blue dolphin cichlids and how much some of them have grown when lo and behold there's a small (2cm maybe?) fry taking refuge under one of the rock caves. It was the only one we could find and probably for good reason as our Nimbochromis Livingstonii was circling the area like a hungry shark. Kinda surprised as I didn't think that our blue dolphins were breeding size yet (they're about 3-3.5 inches) and we hadn't noticed any of them not eating or building a nest, etc.. that would indicate mouth brooding. I'm assuming the fry is a blue dolphin as it as all blue... But don't have much experience with cichlid breeding as this is our first african cichlid tank. The only other fish in the tank are 3 strawberry peacock's (3-4 inches), the aforementioned livingstonii, and a pleco. I'm guessing that the parents weren't mature enough yet to properly mouthbrood and this fry was just a fluke that somehow didn't get eaten as an egg, hatched, and survived. Any thoughts? Or could this be a peacock fry? P.S. The fry is now safely in his own grow up tank where he is free from the constant threat of death.
  23. I kinda expected it to not go well, thought I'd give it a go anyways. I've had friends do it successfully but their bettas were usually older, slow moving, and chilled out. Might've worked better with a halfmoon or something but dragon plakat was definitely a bad choice.
  24. So, picked up a dragon plakat betta from AC today, nice coloring and good flare. Didn't have a solo tank ready for him so decided to see how he'd fare in the dedicated RCS tank, figured I had quite a few shrimp to spare and he couldn't do that much damage. After releasing him he proceed to devour 14 juvi's and one adult RCS in less than a minute (the time it took me to round up my net and fish him out). No major damage done to the shrimp population but obviously that wasn't gonna work hahaha. I think if I would've left him in there he would've gorged himself to death in the first few hours. Note to self: don't try again. So now he's living in the 75G planted community tank.
  25. Hey all, wondering if any of you have found a decent shrimp staple at an lfs here in town. I have a 10G stocked with only cherry shrimp and I'm on the verge of running out of food. Tried some of the blanched veggie suggestions and they don't seem to take to it. Last stuff I got was shrimpscape from Canadian Aquatics and they loved it. I have (estimated) about 200 RCS in this 10G so they need a lot of food. Everyone's happy (only about 30 adults) with regular water changeouts and a heavily planted planted tank but I suspect a high death rate and anarchy as soon as the food stops.
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