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Everything posted by ocellatus

  1. After I posted I checked a few more pics of juvies from another site. Hard to say what you've got there, as the vids aren't super clear, and the colours you describe don't really match a juvenile marulius. If it packs on the size then perhaps it is one of the bigger varieties. O
  2. No expert, but it resembles a juvenile Channa marulius (great snakehead) O
  3. I like both NC and AC, though AC has the better selection of shrimp for a clean up crew! Both are far and away more affordable than Big Al's. O
  4. I kept a variety of poly's over the years, and agree that the senegals will remain the smallest at ~ 10" for the male, and 11" for the female. They are fairly active for polypterids, and although they have poor eyesight, are somewhat predatory. Loaches may be tempting them...... They are a great fish, extremely hardy and easy to care for. O
  5. I was thinking sedentary, not sure why pelagic came out...... :cry: I'll definitely be asking what BA's can get in...... O
  6. I am looking into the smaller species, and with a 180 they should have room, sufficient hiding places, and planted cover to keep a group. The bleheri are beautiful, though I've heard they aren't as active as others and are somewhat pelagic. What was your experience? Just in the planning stages right now, looking at filtration and lighting options for such a tank. O
  7. I just picked up a used 180 g, and plan to set up a heavily planted snakehead tank. Not sure the species yet though. I love the aurantimaculata, though other sources advise that 180 is too small for a small group due to aggression. Perhaps gachua. Thoughts? O
  8. Big Al's in Edmonton has a tank of small silver's across from the shark tank, and a 6" jardini in with some discus. They have a few large asian arro's but I don't know if they are for sale or display only. If you are looking for really nice asian's I've good things about shine aquatics. O
  9. I was in Big Al's Edmonton yesterday. They have a single ~ 18" C micropeltis in stock that was a hobbyist return. Apparently the original buyer purchased 4 juveniles and was left with this one. Growth rate, appetite (30+ feeders / week) and husbandry requirements made it impractical to keep. Beautiful fish though..... I was told that they commonly get in C gachua, and the odd time C bleheri's. Both these interest me, far less aggressive than the big boys, smaller and gorgeous to boot. Any keepers on this forum? O
  10. Just moved to Alberta this summer. Great to find a local forum like this! I've been keeping fish for 30+ years, attempting to breed everything along the way. Prior to the move, we spent 5 years keeping mainly polypterids: P lapradei, P ornatipinnis, P delhezi, P senegalus along w/ tire track eels. The polys were too large for the move, and my new basement unfinished, so they were given to other dedicated hobbyists. The tiretracks were hooked on live foods and my wife didn't want the worm farm to accompany us on the move....... Right now my tanks are dry, awaiting the winter project of finishing the basement / building a small fish room. Framing is complete, awaiting electrical right now. Looking to purchase a new tank, 200 - 300 gallons for the room, unsure on stock list yet as there are more options in the Edmonton shops than I'd hoped for! Hope to contribute to the forums. Cheers O
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