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  1. First of all, I am a DISPLACED VANCOUVERITE.....second of all, I am a DISPLACED VANCOUVERITE..... :-) Leave Edmonton for the day? Gee...let me think about that for a millisecond.... I keep a given number of items in stock here...most of the time these things are sold outside of the country, so it makes little sense to bring a lot of pieces into Canada...just to send them back out again. I do, however, have quite a few interesting specimens on hand, as well as hundreds of photos of specimens I have sold over the years. If you people seriously wanted me to come to Calgary for a day and bring some pieces down and talk about them, I might be persuaded to do it..... give me a call, and we can discuss it. Michael 780 438 6024 PS. I'd have to come back...I have a garage full of herring I can't leave unattended for long
  2. I don't really have a collection, per se.....I suppose I do, but it rotates as I sell the material. at any given time I have a few dozen to a few hundred fish. I don't mind giving some type of talk if people would want me to......
  3. there has only ever been one sold commercially...and it went for 10K USD....not as nice as this one, though.
  4. This was recently collected by a friend of mine in Lebanon. It is the rarest of all Lebanese fish.....there are only 7-8 known to exist, and this ranks amongst the best. It is called Gebraylichthys, measures about 12cm long, and was found in Haqel...the only place it is known to exist.
  5. A very attractive part and counterpart angelfish fossil from the Cretaceous limestone of Haqel, Lebanon. Quarried in May of 2005. It measures approximately 2.5".
  6. A very nice, pretty much perfect example of a fossil skate from the Cretaceous deposits of Haqel, Lebanon. About 10" long
  7. Hi my name is Michael, and I am from Edmonton. I have always loved tropical fish, and am on several tropical fish message boards, including cichlid specific ones such as these. As a job, I collect and sell fossil materials...including a lot of fish. I am also about the only one in North America (one of about 3 people in the world) who seems to have any fossilised cichlid material...outside of a couple of museums, of course. I participate on these sites mainly as a way to have access to people who can hlp me, at times, identify fish...down to the families, anyway. I hope you guys might be able to help me when I need it. As well, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any interest in seeing images of anything that has swam through the oceans in the past 500 million years....I'd be glad to show you specimen images!! Thanks Michael
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