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Posts posted by SuperGuppyGirl

  1. Personally prefer Bolivian rams over GBRS. Hardier fish and just as colorful. Plus don't need the high temps GBR do, which works as your paleatus don't do well at 80+F.

    Side note: should look at getting more panda Garra as they are very social group fish.

  2. When I had cryptoheroes nannoluteas (yellow convicts) I was reading up on honduran red points as well and apparently they can cross with viable off spring from regular convicts. Which is what stopped me from trying to get HRP as most offered in lfs tend to be a hybrid. So these possibly could be HRP x Con, which would explain the color and the oddity of the adult fish.

  3. Got some Killies at the ACE spring auction and managed to lose the bag before I wrote down the name. I think they were referred to as the "Christmas Killie"

    Anyone know their real name? Google was no help. Thanks

    If they were yellow with red spots/pattern Aphyosemion Christyi

  4. With the bug eye and bloat it could be environmental, I'd blame the shrimp pellets. I gave them up as they are messy and foul the water rather quickly in my experience. Try upping the WC and eliminating the shrimp pellets

  5. Found these beauties, strangely enough at petsmart. Normally don't touch their fish but had been looking for them awhile after a fellow fish keeper *cough syno321 cough* tantalized me about a tetra that looks like my fave cory. Interestingly enough they were labeled panda tetras, they fast active and my hastatus are so much more social with them. Finally out of quarantine after a month, bought 30 (25 survived I expected a lot less considering the store) @ a whopping $2 each.



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