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Posts posted by tomuhs

  1. Congrats! Love dolphin moori.

    I would go for a darker background color as dolphins get washed out with light backgrounds.

    Also, when I kept a group of adults, I noticed that they really enjoyed the open space in the tank (that's where they started breeding.)

    I still have some of the fry left from that spawn too but seeing as yours are still very young, you have lots of time to play with the setup.

    Look forward to updates.

  2. Hey guys,

    Thanks for your input. I'm running a modified fx5 that now holds 12-13L of ceramics rings in my 180 as well as a 13w UV. Ive never had one problem with ammonia/nitrate/nitrite as I was keeping a full stocked frontosa tank. I use something called "tankbuster" from pisces that is basically benefically bacteria used for ammonia spikes.

    I do around 30% water changes 1-2 times a week depending. Just with the two pups I dont imagine there will be huge ammonia spikes? I was tossing around the idea of using a rubbermaid container under the tank filled with conditioned tapwater instead of using my waterchanger.

    Let me know what you think!

    The extra amount of bio filtration will definately help. Unfortunately there isn't a bio load calculator out there so I can't really say if it will be ok; what I do know is that a healthy stingray is a always hungry stingray. They will be eating lots so you might want to consider making a wet/dry setup down the road and be sure to clean up all uneaten food. I'd gun for atleast a 6x turnover rate :D

    Never had to buy black worms but i'm sure if you call pisces or riverfront, they can hook you up. Hopefully you can get them on Massivore, NLS or whatever your fav brand is.

    Lastly, one piece of advice is to get a heater guard since rays are really prone to getting heater burns.

    Best of luck and be sure to post pics. I'll be getting a pearl ray this weekend so i'm super stoked too.


  3. Hey chris.

    Depending on how big ur tank is, I'd recommend with going with two fx5 as rays have an extreme bioload; almost 3x that of an arowana.

    Carbon is good to remove impurities and tannins and really is up to your personal preference. My friend has several large black rays and his rays have never been soaked in carbon except when he was removing medication from the tank. I would make sure you have proper filtration first and foremost and get them to start eating. Once you get them eating, all should be good. I'd recommend starting them on blackworms.

  4. Really like how clear and clean your tank looks. I would add a couple more rocks or driftwood as hardscapes to fill up some space and to create some focal points. You could probably pull off an iwagumi look if you really wanted :D Otherwise the fish and plants look really happy!

  5. Strangest thing happened the other day, I managed to pick up a new Arowana and was trying to get it to start eating so I did a 20% WC. Looks like my group of Blue Dolphins really liked this and started to breed. Now I have one female that is currently holding eggs. The coloration on her body has changed drastically as well, very interesting IMO as it has developped blotches of dark blue. Not sure what I'm going to do with the eggs; anyone have any ideas? I was thinking of letting nature take its course and letting the fry develop on their own. I realize that this won't maximize the survival chance of the brood but I'm not exactly looking fo a whole bunch of new fish as my tank has already a high bioload. Not sure I want to keep the group as well as they are sorta of rabunctious when they are breeding and it is scaring my Aro.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  6. Hi All,

    Just wanted to say hi to all you nice aquarium people out there.

    I'm from Calgary and have always had a fascination with fish. I currently have a 90 gal with some silver dollars, tiger barbs, jewel cichlid, clown loaches, cory cats, roselines and gouramis.

    I also have a 180 G that will house a crossback that will be coming in next week. :D Can't wait!

    Anyways thanks for stopping by and have a good one.


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