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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Spinalcore

  1. Thanks I will look into the pool paint a little more and compare value with the marine paints.
  2. I'm trying to figure out what the cheapest costing sealant/protection to use on the wood. I have read that you can use Epoxy paint but can't seem to find any prices for it. I found Pool paint for $34 at Home Hardware but I don't know if that would be safe enough to use for fish. I'm planning on making a couple of tanks for my family and myself but don't have much money to spend on the building of the tanks. I have the wood covered as my Stepdad is a framer and going to help with that part, I have also found glass in the freebee section of the bargain finder. so now it is just getting the Sealant for the wood and the Aquarium silicone. The First Tank is planned to be an 88 gallon tank and the second probably 70 gal. The 70 along with a Stand is for the Birthday present for my GF in August. Thank you for the help in advance.
  3. I love the pics. My mom has 2 Redear Slider turtles that were about the size of a quarter or loonie about 12 to 14 years ago and are now about 12+" long now and have the run of the upstairs at her her place. They go in the bath tub evey couple of days.
  4. I love the pics. My mom has 2 Redear Slider turtles that were about the size of a quarter or loonie about 12 to 14 years ago and are now about 12+" long now and have the run of the upstairs at her her place. They go in the bath tub evey couple of days.
  5. Welcome. In regards to your post in the betta section: If you need any info on bettas you can check www.Bettatalk.com and when I get home I will post a few more fish sites to help you out with your other fish.
  6. I have found someone who breeds them in Alberta. She orders them from BC and Thailand and charges $20 to $35 per breeding pair. I am planning on going to pick up a couple of CT bettas over the next couple of weeks. Please let me know if anyone here in Calgary want a certain kind, gender or color and I will find out a price for you and if she has any of that kind. If she has the kind that you want I will see about making arrangements to pick them up for you.
  7. I'm trying to find some one who breeds CT, HM, or Delta tails or the Imbellis. I'm looking at trying to breed some myself but just can't seem to find anyone around here to get a breeding pair from. Any help would be extremely Appreciated. Thank you.
  8. How does It work with the betta bites?
  9. Spinalcore


    I live in NE Calgary. But have the Grandparents in Downtown? Edmonton and St. Albert.
  10. Spinalcore


    My name is Travis I am 24 and trying to breed bettas. I'm trying to find a breeding pair of Betta Imbellis, But no luck on that part yet. My GF ad I currently have (3 male, 3 Female) Betta splendens, (6) Zebra Danios, (34) Red swordtail fry 1/2" to 1", (1) Indian/Chinese Algae Eater, (6) Neon Tetras and (1) fancy Red glass guppy. We have: 1x4-5 gal tank 3x10 gal tanks 2 betta hex 1 double betta hex and 2 Marina betta kits I'm raising a few of the fry for my mother and 1 of the GFs Friends. I'm planing on picking up a couple more tanks for breeding in. At the moment I am culturing some Inforsia/Green water. Currently my fry tank (1 of the 10 Gallons) has 22 fry in with the algae eater, Java fern and wisteria. I am looking for advice on breeding bettas and info on the growth rate of swordtail fry.
  11. I have 2 females (Blue bodies with red fins) 1 male that you can see in my avatar pic The gf has 1 female and A nice tri-color Blue Veil tail and her mother has 1 red veil tail. I'm currently trying to breed my male with her female that has alot of red in the fins and a more natural body color. I'm having no luck yet but will keep on trying.
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