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Everything posted by MrsFard

  1. MrsFard


    welcome!!!! maybe post your questions in forums just for the fact that they may get overlook here...I'd help but i'm a newbie too!
  2. PM me Vi and I'll go get them for you tomorrow. Rick awe, thanks for the offer, that was so kind!
  3. you guys wanna hear something even more pathetic!? i am coming to the city on the 16th (a.k.a. the day after the sale ends), and he has most of the plants I have decided i am getting...
  4. I had these fish in a big plastic tub with a big bubbler and their plastic plants for almost two days while they awaited transportation to my pappies house. now thier eyes have some kind of film or creamy-ness in parts of them. they remind me of disfigured contacts for some reason. (?) I know the water quality was GROSS by the time they got there. I didn't realize it was that bad, I checked the ph and it was fine but when we were taking out the fish i got a good look at the H20 in a plastic container and it was 'yellowed'...shame on me.... i put a lamp nearby but it was fairly dark in there too, could it be cataracts? I hate that I might have caused this and my pappie is concerned. (shhh...he's a huge softy )
  5. good. I really like cories but, i don't want them to take over!
  6. I am wondering how big peppered cories get. I've read about 2.5 '' max. but i seen a video on youtube of some other kinds and they were huge! I don't want big fish in my tank...
  7. Zebra snails are Nerites. I am giving one of the two to my dad in hopes the eggs will stop...he won't care about them but they annoy me
  8. its interesting in the least...I donno what I'd keep in there though. have you seem those upside down tanks? (they're on youtube), same basic principle.
  9. I have been asking alot of questions about ferts, and this link sums it up! Comparing Fert. prices and Quick Grow Hydroponics Shop, Edmonton This place has been recommended to me by a few people on here. I worked out the prices and for containers half the size discussed, together they'll cost me about $25. oh, and with my 29G he said they'd last close to a year....and of course my plants will be gorgeous oh, and not that flourish is bad, thats what i have been using thus far and my plants are fine but, they could be alot better....
  10. I plan on getting some Malaysain trumpet snails too but, for now, a shish kabob stick works wonders without upsetting everything
  11. my filter is an aquaclear for a 20-40G.... my plants look pretty good...there is a link to pics of my tank (beofer I re-scaped it a few days ago), on my profile, um.... I check nitrates/ammonia and ph...they aren't abnormal... When did you last test it? After/before you tested your water? And you didn't mention that you tested for Nitrites, you tested Nitrates. Many possibilities... yesturday.... i checked it a couple times, and yes, i did test for nitrites..sorry 'bout that... and as far as I'm concerned... there are TOO many possibilities...GRRRR! why can't it just be 'black and white'!? i was kinda hoping it was... Part of what happens when it comes to fish keeping. Think of yourself as a "mini biologist", cause basically you need to have a little biological knowledge to care for your fish properly. Use google and MFK's search function when it comes to fishy problems, it'll be your best friend. thats a good thing to acknowledge...funny, I've always been very interested in the inner workings of God's world but, i refused to take biology 'cause i din't want to disect anything. I have been googling it but i have yet to get an answer I can put weight on...they all kinda bounce around different possibilities 'cause so many of the illnesses share characteristics and it varies. I guess i will wait and see what the meds I ordered do... what is MKF?
  12. my filter is an aquaclear for a 20-40G.... my plants look pretty good...there is a link to pics of my tank (beofer I re-scaped it a few days ago), on my profile, um.... I check nitrates/ammonia and ph...they aren't abnormal... When did you last test it? After/before you tested your water? And you didn't mention that you tested for Nitrites, you tested Nitrates. Many possibilities... yesturday.... i checked it a couple times, and yes, i did test for nitrites..sorry 'bout that... and as far as I'm concerned... there are TOO many possibilities...GRRRR! why can't it just be 'black and white'!? i was kinda hoping it was...
  13. my filter is an aquaclear for a 20-40G.... my plants look pretty good...there is a link to pics of my tank (beofer I re-scaped it a few days ago), on my profile, um.... I check nitrates/ammonia and ph...they aren't abnormal...
  14. you guys are so sweet, its nice to 'know' people who care about fish like i do, with it being an 'aquired taste' and all.
  15. well, then maybe everyone else will be alright...
  16. thank you or tanking the time to respond... I will go pick up tea tree oil today (melafix)... he's dead. I think its more that the average infection. the fat cory has a lump stomach and my whiptail is still sluggish and pale. I ordered some parasite stuff off of aquabid...hopefully it gets here before anyone else dies.
  17. thank you or tanking the time to respond... I will go pick up tea tree oil today (melafix)...
  18. they are sooo neat...they look so real they make me wanna grab a hiking bag and my boots:) (#4 , #9, #2 are my faves- and in that order)
  19. k, i'm worried about him! :cry: he's the smallest of the three, my largest has this huge gut on him (its literally round) and this one has like nothing. He has been floating at the top of the tank on his side off and on since last night. other than a small belly he looks fine externally. i thought he was dead at first so i went to see and as soon as I opened the lid he took off effortlessly to the bottom. but he's up there again and doesn't look to comfortable. one of my brigette rasboras had major body fungus over night (she's been quarantined with primafix), and i dosed the tank with primafix too. maybe its early signs of that or something simular? oh, and there is some kinda worm thingie -05-:eh: in there (EWWWWW!) its about 0.5 cm long. red nose to a beige body :well: what is it!? and my whiptail catfish is looking significantly pale. oi. I took out the gravel I had in my tank and i added sand over top the flourite... to do this everyone was taken out and I re-arranged everything...could that have started it all?
  20. If you decide to get rid of it, give it to someone with goldfish... they love it!
  21. its amazing to me how fabulous I am at creating more work for myself - and willingly no-less!
  22. I just got back from the hardware store and the only sand they had (gotta love living in the bush , was childrens play sand. I bought it anyway, I am pretty sure there isn't anything else added to it. I won't be able to check the consistancy when its wet until after. I was looking and it seems all the pros only use aquasoil, I looked at bigals online and they don't carry it. isn't peat moss basically dirt? I remember buying some for plants ...
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