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Everything posted by NewEpidemic

  1. Haii there I have had my barbed odessas for over a year now and I just today I noticed one of my barbs is very pregnant Sooo I seperated the pregnant odessa and just wondering how will I know when she has babes are the eggs big enough that I can see them?
  2. So my boyfriend has a tank with a convict and a convict hybrid well there stripes keep coming and fading away randomly there chasing each other around just wondering if there mating or just showing dominance. Thanks.
  3. Not looking to breed just looking to sex them I have named everyone of my animals fish included soo wanted to know the sex so I could name them proper I named them cory {albino) and dora ( Bronze) Thought it was cute and Ironic Thanks soo much I was hoping they would not breed have to many other animals to try and deal with babes lol Thanks soo much for the well need and appreciated info
  4. Heyy everyone I have a brown cory and a albino cory Dont know the technical names for there specific breed of corys but I read in a book that the females are larger and more round in the front then the males there both the same age but my brown cory is larger then my albino Just wondering if the albinos are smaller or not Thanks in advance!!
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