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Posts posted by cjerrom

  1. Oxolonic acid works on the mystery stuff as well the metro you get from seachem is hobby grade - using pharma grade from NFP is much more concentrated and works fast. As well nitrofuracin would help in the tissue repair and can be used with metro. . Erythromycin would have probably stopped the eye issue as well but since it was only on one eye I would think it was an injury relate issue vs Popeye. I'll put some bags in the auction this weekend with enough to treat 100gallon each dose.

    You'll be surprised how little it takes but it works on wild caught all the time. I treated my weitzmani and sterbai with the similar issues a few weeks back -they came in all cloudy and pissy lookeing. I used 3% salt, 78F and metro and 3 days later only 1 death out of 30 and everyone looks like a black bumblebees and orange fins with spots going everywhere now! Girls are chased around the tank with a 2-3 male posse in pursuit.

  2. I keep 1000's of cardinals, and other SA fish in Calgary water but what's the real culprit is the NH3/NH4 at a pH of over 7.2. The smallest amount of NH3/NH4 at these high pH's is quite deadly. Since I don't want to fiddle with the pH and lower it and create a flux within the pH I just work with what I have.

    1) I do frequent bi-weekly water changes and replace my ammonia remover often.

    2) Feed the fish as much as they'll eat in 15mins to avoid excess waste - I starve my fish weekly from Friday to Monday morning as its good for them. (Probably should do that for myself as well!)

    3) I also aerate my tanks with an air pump with a 6"-18" stone for emergencies but it's main use is to help break up the surface gases. (Get a dual power air pump that will come on in emergency power losses to avoid issues as most pumps are 50.00 but the collections of fish are 100-1,000's if we are honest with our spouses!)

    4) I use circulating heads to move the water around to avoid dead spots within the tanks.

  3. Yes as they don't have UL or CSA approvals and won't do it due to market size. You can order them and if they are flagged they will not be allowed in but a lot of times they are not caught. What actually flags them is the fact that they don't have Bilingual packaging! Anyway I have a lot of the 48" Finnex fixtures (Monster, Fugeray, Planted plus 7k) and T5's from Grow It on Edmonton Trail (6500's) upside is that operating costs are lower for LED's. The T5's have huge heat transfer which can be easily fixed by raising the fixtures. The LED downside is with tanks over 24" depth you'll need 2-3 48" LED strips which increases the costs significantly. The T5's are cheap to replace now so that cost is understandable but not nearly as high when you have to replace a full LED strip. The manufacturers of Finnex say 50000hrs but I've already had multiple issues with transformers and light strips dying in the 3 yrs I've owned them. They are made in China - that says most of it!

    Short matter is get the LED light with the highest output (lumens) and with the 6000 plus spectrum and add more as needed until you see the plants thriving. Another thing that most people overlook is a clean glass lid which should be cleaned every water change as well and replaced once the mineral build up hazes the glass. Huge light transfer loss occurs here alone! As well ensure that all the light is reflected into the tank and the heat is taken off the fixtures to help increase bulb and fixture lifespan. Everything has maintenance.

    Fishclubgirl (AMT) works for a company that builds good LED lighting in Calgary that is supposed to rival T5's so maybe we can put some pressure on her for a speil at a meeting to get LED efficiency with T5 Horsepower. And they will be locally made!

  4. Cories and more cories (reynoldsi, hasbrosus, pygmaeus, imitator, guapore, polystictus, caudimaculatus, arcuatus, concolor, brochis, green aeneus- all in groups of 5's and pygmies in 10's), plecos (L243, Orinoco Angels 201, Golden tiger L169, Medusa L34, Three beacon L91,128- blue phantom, 200- yellow hifin phantoms, farlowella accus, King Tigers L66) and bunches of plants (vallesnaria contortion & americana, rotala wallichi, ulvaceus)

    Just trying to reduce my collection to 5-8 cories of each! Got to downsize sometime!

  5. They will hammer the others until they either injure them or kill them no matter what size the other fish are. Best way is to remove all fish for now. Has the male developed a large lobe on his forehead and has its body pattern changed substantially? All signs he's ready to breed and the aggression will really escalate! 20" fish can do a lot of damage quickly. The others could jump out to their death to avoid the attacks so please move them quickly as they will get worse/nastier when the fry appear!

  6. I run Finnex on all my tanks with plants and have great results for 2.5yrs and have not had an issue yet! I find that if you keep the transformer in an area where it can get some air current it does well. I installed a little micro fan under my stand to circulate air. It's amazing to see how much heat differential there is in an enclosed system. 5-6C.

    I grow a lot of plants in tall 120g 4ft tanks - from red Ludwigia to tenellus and Echinodorus with CO2 and fertilizers with a garbage bag of clippings being disposed of weekly.

    I don't see anyone bashing Finnex but if you want to see an article on comparing outputs in the aquarium magazine there was one done in Amazonas I believe in the past 12-18 months.

    I have had T5HO and Compact Four Pin flourescents as well and prefer the lack of noise and less heat created with LED's. Now I have boughten many generations of LED from Finnex I am most happy with the Planted + lighting system and my only complaint is the chords need to be much longer due to the large tank heights. As well the other issue with the older models is that would heat sink the boards to the aluminum housing but they also had some shielding issues with the internal power wires creating a direct ground to the housing as well. When you were working on the tank and touched the light you could get a good shock!

    The point being is that the technology is catching up but the LED's vary and I don't think that they are nearly refined to the point that the current T5HO or Halogen systems have become so the future should be positive. We use LED's in our downhole oilfield equipment (cameras) that can withstand temps of 150C and pressures of 20K psi! So I deal with single point LED's (one bulb of the same size we have in our lights) that puts out 1850 lumens per bulb. It's lifetime is 750-1000 hrs at best but it shows you the extreme side of technology when you are willing to pay 1500.00/bulb.

    You are correct in that

  7. Concept built me a 540g on time and exactly as quoted and it's been going strong for 4yra now with no issues whatsoever! They delivered it and we used 12 guys onsite to put it in the school. 8ft x 3ft x 3ft were the dimensions. With eurobeace design. Just getting them to build my 3 Cory tanks all stackable above each other like Vince's system (thanks for the tour Vince)

  8. Anyone ever kept these Araipima gigas as I have an exporter offer three golden Araipima with all the Cites permits from Peru along with pictures of 60cm length fishes for 2800.00 CAD shipped to Calgary?

    Anyways for you big tank guys I also have Luteus Phase 1-3 available (20 pcs) again from Argentina. 680.00 - phase 1 and 900.00ea phase 2 and phase 3 at 1100.00e all are 30-35cm in length.

    PM for pics if serious and interested.

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