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Posts posted by Vallisneria

  1. Buy a few shrimp and add water :P They are super easy

    When I first started with cherries I got 10 and and put them in a 10g barebottom with a small HOB filter. I didn't even use a heater. They started to breed right away and in a couple months I had tons. I just feed them NLS pellets or the off algae waffer.

    You can setup the tank pretty much any way you want as they arent picky. Just don't add any fish that are big enough to eat them. Right now I keep my painted red shrimp in with assassin snails and endlers.

  2. I use a small mortar and pestle too. Takes 2 seconds to grind up pellets. I've used it to grind up NLS pellets, algae wafers and flakes. With flakes you can even just squish them up into a powder using your fingers. Ground up food goes a long way so you don't need to make huge batches in a blender or anything.

    I prefer the mortar and pestle over the pepper grinder way. The pepper grinder doesn't make a powder, just smaller chunks of pellet.

  3. When I used to have one I just ground up NLS pellets until it was a powder. Then I added a few drops of water to some crushed NLS and sucked it into a pipette. I found the pipette was easier and used less food. I was able to squirt it right at the shrimp to make sure he got some. Better then just adding a bunch to the water column. I also fed cyclops and ground up any flakes or whatever food I had lying around. You just need to make sure its ground up enough, my guy didn't like the large food chunks.

  4. Wow. Does your friend sell his/her paintings?

    She does sell some of her paintings at a few small art markets like Art Walk etc, or a few are up at local restaurants. She actually just setup a website that sells some prints of her paintings, including my shrimp one. So far there is just a couple up though http://society6.com/RexifistArt She also gave me a print of the Lizard which is my favorite

    Is it hanging in your fishroom?

    No, I just moved into an apartment so the fishroom has been downsized to 2x20g :( So its hanging in my front entry instead

  5. I thought I would share a painting my friend made me for my birthday. Everyone at my party thought it was a weird present. They couldn't understand why anyone would want a shrimp painting. I figured you guys would understand.


  6. I didn't get much this time as I'm downsizing my tanks so I mostly sold stuff(jamesbarr-those were my rummynose :) ). But I couldn't resist and ended up getting a pair of red velvet swords. I wish they were red eyed red swords tho, my quest for them continues! I also wanted those Caudopunctatus but didn't have anywhere to put them right now. Whoever bought those, if you get babies let me know :)

    I had a good time but wasn't feeling well and had to leave halfway through. I wish I could have stayed as I wanted that pencil drawing of the angelfish. I really like how this time there was some art included, pretty nice stuff too.

    I do agree we need T shirts or at least name tags to identify ourselves better. I was the tall girl at the beginning being a runner. At least I'm easy to pick out of a crowd, lol.

    You were supposed to bring those rummies for me but i saw them on the table and knew you jewed me..... don't make sales and not keep them. I believe you should get a temp ban for that mod or not!!!

    Well lets not call people out for your own mistakes. It would have helped if you'd replied to my PM with an answer. Since you didn't give me a "yes, I'll meet you at the auction", or basically any response after tuesday when you asked what the auction was, the fish went to the auction. Sorry, thats not breaking the rules, thats the result of your own inability to setup a pickup time. I had no problem meeting up with the others that arranged pickup times there.

    PS: this is your warning to not bring private things between members onto the board or unacceptable language. Use the PM system if there is an issue with a member.

  7. I didn't get much this time as I'm downsizing my tanks so I mostly sold stuff(jamesbarr-those were my rummynose :) ). But I couldn't resist and ended up getting a pair of red velvet swords. I wish they were red eyed red swords tho, my quest for them continues! I also wanted those Caudopunctatus but didn't have anywhere to put them right now. Whoever bought those, if you get babies let me know :)

    I had a good time but wasn't feeling well and had to leave halfway through. I wish I could have stayed as I wanted that pencil drawing of the angelfish. I really like how this time there was some art included, pretty nice stuff too.

    I do agree we need T shirts or at least name tags to identify ourselves better. I was the tall girl at the beginning being a runner. At least I'm easy to pick out of a crowd, lol.

  8. I don't know specifically about a 5.5g but I've had 150+ in a 10g that was filled with floating plants. When I took the plants out the whole bottom of the tank was thick with shrimp

    I'd say they'll be fine, as long as they aren't super fancy sensitive species. Just do regular water changes and you'll be good

  9. I keep my shrimp tanks bare bottom and have never really had a problem with sucking up babies. I usually scare the shrimps away from the corner I plan on siphoning from and I've only sucked up a couple when I wasn't paying attention. I also keep my thump on the end of the hose so if any shrimps do wander over I can stop the hose, shoo them away and continue. I also suck it into a white bucket so its easy to spot any babies I might have sucked up. Then I net them out.

    I usually do a 25% change once a week, sometimes as long as 2 weeks. I also have my tanks filled with floating plants(java fern & elodea w/ some duck weed on top)

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