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Posts posted by Vallisneria

  1. I love my Aquaclear filters and use them on 90% of my tanks. They are good filters, move a lot of water and are easy to clean. The only tanks I use canisters on are my planted tanks. For my smaller tanks I prefer ACs because of the cost and on my big african tank the ACs do a really good job of cleaning and keeping the water flow up. I have some that have been running for 10years without issues.

    Definitely don't throw them out if they work. Either sell them or give them away if you don't want them. The 1200 is an older model but is still good if the motor still works.

    For a 180g you'll need more filtration then those provide though. What will you be stocking?

  2. Also, I found with feeding fry that using a pipette to shoot the food closer to the fry works best. Crush up, or use whatever food, then mix a tiny bit of water in and suck it up with the pipette. Then use that to kind of spot feed the fry instead of just adding lots and letting it float around until the fry find it. Works better and you can use less food. With this method you can feed 3-6x a day without "overfeeding" and having leftover food pollute the tank.

  3. This is why you don't want some cichlids breeding in a community tank. Either removed the fry and grow them out yourself or if you want to keep breeding the pair move them to another tank. If you just remove the tank the parents will probably breed again soon and this will happen again. hopefully they choose a more convenient house this time.

    Also for cleaning I wouldn't worry about sucking up the babies. Usually fry will stay clumped into a group so it should be fairly easy to siphon the tank without worrying about sucking them up. Just stay away from where they are being kept. I've always siphoned my fry tank and never got any babies. You could also siphon into a bucket then check the bucket before dumping it. I do this in my shrimp tanks sometimes.

  4. In the city of Calgary, as long as you're a member of a pigeon club, you can have as many as you want...according to the ByLaw officer...who had already come by in the summer due to a neighbour complaint.

    I think the 10 days is the timeline they give the owner to claim the animal(s) back...if they so choose...well, for $25,000 they can keep the darn things.

    City Of Calgary Bylaw states:


    27. No person shall keep Livestock in any area of the City except where the keeping of Livestock is allowed under The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw.

    27.1 Any person who keeps pigeons, is a member in good standing of either the Canadian Racing Pigeon Club or the Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Association, and whose birds are banded with a seamless Club or Association band on their leg is exempt from Section 27.

    Ahh, here in Edmonton you can have up to 75 and need a license. Yet they don't allow people to have chickens. I think a couple chickens would make less noise and be better then 75+ pigeons.

    I hope your dad can get his birds back without having to pay ridiculous amounts

  5. They are seriously just out to fill a quota or something...I know they think they're doing what's "right", but sometimes....It took everything in me to not flip out on them...Oh, and if I want to get the birds back, I have to pay, or rather my dad has to pay $15/bird per day...and they'll keep the birds for 10 days, at which point the total cost for all the birds would be like $25,000!!! If the birds go unclaimed after that, they decide if they're going to destroy them all!

    He's allowed to have 75 pigeons if he has a license. So why aren't they just giving him back at least 75 of them? What are they holding them for 10 days for?

  6. It just takes an annoying neighbour to file a complaint and then you're stuck dealing with it. I'm a petsitter and had this happen when I was watching a clients cats. They had been fighting with their neighbours about their dogs barking. So when the clients left, they had the dogs kenneled so I wouldn't have to deal with the neighbours, the neighbours called the SPCA and claimed they left the cats home alone while they went on vacation. I was checking the house 2x/day and came to find a notice taped to the door claiming the animal control officers looked through the windows and saw abandoned cats, WTF. No one was home at the time they came but they weren't abandoned!

    I think I remember Henry dealing with this at the old store with the pond in front of the house. They wanted to confiscate his fish that were already winterized. Can't remember how that turned out though

    Animal control can be frustrating when they screw with people actually taking care of their pets but fail to do anything in serious situations.

  7. so for a 10g just take a flat tooth pick and pickup just a bit with the round end? :P This is going to be fun. I didn't really consider how small the amounts needed to be when I ordered :)

    I knew it would be small amounts but these are much smaller then I though. Thankfully I split a bucket(only got 1kg) as bucket would last me many life times. :P

    Thanks everyone for helping :)

  8. I bought some Safe off of a member from the group order and I was just wondering the dosing instructions as I don't have the bucket. I remember reading the bucket and it was a bit confusing, something about measures when the buckets didn't have a "measure" in it. Anyways, I left saying I'd just ask here on AA.

    So can anyone tell me how much to use for x amount of gallons(ie 1tsp/5gals). Something along through lines.

  9. I've also used the black out method and it works. It might take more then 1 black out to kill everything off but I like it better then using chemicals as its safer for the fish/good bacteria in your tank.

    Remove as much of it as you can then cover everything with black garbage bags so no light can get in. At this point you can dose KNO3. Then wait 3-4 days and remove the plastic. The plants might look a little weird but they should bounce back. Do a big water change and suck as the dead BGA. Then dose kno3. If there is still some left then do another black out in about 1-2 weeks, after the plants have recovered.

    You also have to figure out why you have BGA in the first place. Check your kno3 levels and co2, something is out of wack.

  10. They should build a "Jayba Fishmover200!" get a 5 gallon bucket, ( black ones are the best to keep fish calm) drill a single 3/8 hole dead center of the lid. Fill the bucket a little less than 1/2 way with tank water. Insert fish, and bag buddies, put the lid on and drop the probe of a thermometer through the hole in the lid.( the kind with the probe on the wire with the digital display)

    Place it on the front floor of the car kinda close to the heat, and blow 80 degree air at it. Keep an eye on the temp and try to avoid swings in temperature. Ta Da. Easy.

    Fast the fish for 3 days prior to the move and go see Henry at Natures Corner Store for bag buddies ( he has a different brand but the same thing)


    I like your bucket thermometer idea. The problem with the bag buddies is I can get them here in Edmonton but they can't get them in Fort Mac in time for friday. I'm not doing the move, my friends are coming here. I had totally forgot about it until they called this afternoon to let me know i'm fish sitting starting Friday, otherwise I'd be a bit more prepared. At least I have a mostly empty tank to stick them in so I don't have to do too much tank shuffling.

  11. I figured the fish would be fine in bags since thats how they are normally shipped and at auctions. I was more wondering if buckets were ok too as my friends have buckets but don't have fish bags ;)

    Bag buddies are a good idea but I doubt they will be able to find them in Fort Mac(they have one small crappy petstore) and its too late to order some online.

    Thanks for the advice

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