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Posts posted by Senroc

  1. I was looking at my tank and I'm enjoying watching the swords and neon tetras and cardinals swimming around so I think that's the direction I'll be taking from now on. So I'm wondering if there is anywhere in Calgary that sells those blood red swordtails and black swords with the neon tails? I've looked at a few stores and there are plenty of pineapple and marigold varieties but I haven't seen any of the blood red swords in a while. Same with the black with neon tails. I'm newish to the Calgary area so I don't know the good stores like I used to in Edmonton. Also if anyone has these in their personal collection that they're looking to swap out I do have 2 Rasborras and 2 Bala Sharks that are on the verge of getting too big for my current tank.

    Also if anyone is thinking of adding some female Bettas to their tank Big Al's on 32nd has some really pretty ones for $7. Their small and quite pretty.

  2. I ended up going with a combination of sword tails and sailfin mollies. I've always had an affinity for the swords and the sailfins were hard to pass up. I picked up a couple of marigold and koi swords, and sailfins. Once the tank settles I'll look at adding in some more of the traditional red and black/neon type swords. I upgraded the lights to accomodate the new plants (which I can't for the life of me remember the names right now). They're an experiment so we'll see how it goes, but at least the fish have some quality light now. The enventual plan is to move everything into a larger tank (4'x2'x2') I have waiting for me. I need to do a water test on it once the spring comes to make sure it's holding water properly. If it's good that will be the new home.

  3. When you say rebuilding, do you mean rebuilding the stocklist, the layout, or with getting an entirely new setup? Just in general something you should be aware of is that those bala sharks will get WAY too big for that tank and may recommend a 6' tank for them.

    Mainly re-stocking and layout. The tank itself has been operational for over a year now.

    Once the sharks start getting too big I'll probably put them up for sale/trade. Right now they're a good size for the tank.

  4. Finally settled into my new home and now it's time for the fish tank to do the same. I've got about a 30 gal tank with 2 Bala Sharks, 2 Rasborras, 2 Neons and 2 Danios. I'm looking for suggestions for rebuilding the tank. I'd also like to start doing it properly and get some decent lights and start adding in some live plants. It isn't something I've done before so I'm a bit in the dark with that aspect of the hobby. Any suggestions?

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