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Everything posted by CatWhat

  1. Thanks. I'm using two Aqua Clear 300's/70's plus the air pump. I bought 28 in hopes that having a large number in the school would help defuse their aggression. I'm think of getting a couple more plants, perhaps some larger amazon swords.
  2. I purchased this propeller several months ago and put it in my 55 gallon for some extra circulation. After only running for a couple of hours I heard this knocking coming from the basement and found that it was the propeller. After I did some investigating I found that even the way it is designed it would end up making this noise. I took some pics to help with my crappy description I'm about to give lol. The end of the propeller shaft is grooved/notched and so is the inside bearing column of the cage/guard. So these two notched pieces can mesh together causing the prop to start banging and even stop and stalling the motor. Just wondering if anyone has had this trouble with these type of propellers. I'm planning on filing down the notched edges on the white propeller shaft to prevent this from happening, but I shouldn't need to do anything really. Thanks for the help.
  3. After what seemed to be a never ending search for Bucktooth Tetras, now has finally ended. One of my LFS placed an order for me for Bucktooth Tetras. I have had them now for three days and all are doing really well. Eating frozen and flake which I was surprised as they are wild caught so I thought I might have a hard time to get them to take flake food. I added the air stones to create some current and help with the oxygenation, I was thinking of adding a propeller as well but I think that might be a bit too much current for them. Here are some pics.
  4. I have been in the search for Koi Swordtails for a while now but with noluck. Anyone know of any places in Canada that will ship fish across the country and might have Koi Swordtails?
  5. I inquired to them about shipping to here in NL, but the best would be overnight. I haven't had any trouble with overnight in the past so far. But I do find the prices on the cories same as here, not even counting the shipping. Though the guppies are very nice and are very hard to come by here, so they are a good option, but they are a fancy price as well.
  6. Did you apply the water proofing to the surface of the plywood that would be touching the glass or did you just use silicone the glass to the bare plywood? I have seen on other forums people applying the water proofing to the plywood were it contacts the glass and silicone the glass in place. But it seems it can be a struggle finding water proofing that will allow the silicone to adhere to it. If you got away with out doing so that would be great for my plans, as it will cost me a fortune to get in the water proofing that will allow silicone adhering versus using the local stuff that does not allow great adhesion with silicone.
  7. If they are the buds you are looking for, there is always a good few of them in my area. Now that I know they are actually used for this purpose I will defiantly collect some and let them dry for future use. I don't see a problem sending some out to you either.
  8. I have kept them several years ago. They are really fun to watch hunt down their sinking food and then fight over it. I had some rounded beach rocks, drift wood and lots of live plants in their tank. They are nasty little fellas, so it is best to do a species only tank with them.
  9. I have seen mention of using Alder Bush Buds for filtration when raising fry or preventing eggs from fungus. But I'm not able to find much info on this method, so I am just wondering if anyone here has used this method or know much about it. Thanks. Here are a couple of pics of what I call Alder Bush Buds:
  10. I seen this snail in my 55G a few months ago and haven't seen it since until today. Just wondering what type of snail it is. It doesn't really look your typical " Pest Snail ".
  11. I haven't bred Calvus before but I found the Brichardi fry were able to eat baby brine shrimp at around 5 or 6 days. Microworms are a good option as well but hard to come by.
  12. I have seen some of my mbuna and victorians hold unfertilized eggs before. I have also seem cave spawners lay and guard unfertilized eggs.
  13. Thanks, I'll check into it and see if they ship. I heard that Riverfront may ship across the country, but I haven't gotten the chance to call yet.
  14. Hey everyone, I know this is an Alberta forum but I have spent a few years in AB and was active in several auctions and gatherings so I figured it would be good to stay in touch. I'm also in the process of trying to track down different distributors or retailers that will ship to NL. I cannot remember the last time I purchased a fish here as they are very over priced and we don't get much of a selection. I like to support the LFS, but after many years of keeping fish the LFS here don't really have much for me. So I am always trying to order in new different fish and keep them and hopefully breed them and disperse these different fish into our hobby circles here in NL. But anyway I'll get to what fish I have and what I am in to. Currently I have a 75G w/ White Labs and Demasoni, 55G w/ Kyoga Flamebacks, 30G L.brevispinis catfish, 20 long w/ white lab and catfish fry, 10g w/ kyoga fry, and 10G w/ ricefish. I am mainly into breeding fish, I usually do not buy a fish unless I at least know how to breed them. The way I put it is breeding fish to put it on the " resume ", sort of like a bucket list for breeding fish.
  15. I have been on the hunt now for Bucktooth Tetras for about a year now with no luck. I have tried some distributors across canada but I have been having a hard time with it. So I am wondering if anyone knows of a place in AB that will ship fish across the country as I live in NL. I have been told by some people I know from my time in AB in the past that they have seen Bucktooth Tetras around. Thanks for the help.
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