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  1. Thank you for the input Jayba. Its a 200 gal 68X26X26 with a built in overflow, 2 X 2" returns to a 55 gal sump. Had it up and running in the garage with this nicer weather as it needs a ton of cleaning. Was a saltwater tank and it is encrusted with algae (educated guess) and all kinds of colorful stuff LOL I know you can't have everything you want hence the post....was just playing around with that fish selector to see what might work. The rams were kinda far reaching for a community tank but as they seemed to be the "best" of that aggressive group of fish I thought they might fit in. Every pun intended as I thought I might just cast a line out there and see what I could catch I truly want to be successful at this and don't want to mess up. I am still months away from actually buying stock.
  2. Thank you Znaika. That is the answer that I was hoping for, and I wanted to make sure. If everything in the environment is constant as much as possible and you acclimate the fish properly, then everything should work out. I also realize I might have to brush up on my latin.
  3. Thanks Divine. I do realize that it is important to keep a constant temp...guess maybe my question should have been how delicate are the fish that I chose. There are Ph considerations as well. Just trying to glean as much info as I can.
  4. Was playing around with the http://www.aqadvisor.com/ which is kinda cool. Was getting a water temp warning. In everyones experience how close to the recommended temp for each species do you have to be? Bang on or are most of these fish fairly hardy? A few species that at 25 or 26 C the min from one and the max for another have a gap of about 1 degree. Will this cause problems and having said that should I try to keep to the average comfortable temp for a group of different fish?.(Have not even consider plant temps ...I feel a spreadsheet about to happen LOL ) I am posting this list for open debate LMAO (was originally in the main body but I had to attach it) => 16 - 26C: American Flagfish => 23 - 27C: Cherry Barb => 23 - 27C: Chili Rasbora => 21 - 27C: Cherry Shrimp => 25 - 30C: Boesemans Rainbowfish => 24 - 30C: Endler => 22 - 27C: Adolfo Cory => 19 - 28C: Panda Cory => 23 - 28C: Dwarf Gourami => 23 - 26C: Clown Killifish => 20 - 28C: Dalmatian Molly => 24 - 28C: Diamond Tetra => 23 - 26C: Rummynose Tetra => 23 - 27C: Silver Hatchet => 23 - 25C: Blackline Rasbora => 18 - 24C: Celestial Pearl Danio => 26 - 30C: German Blue Ram => 25 - 30C: Banded Archerfish => 8 - 25C: White Cloud Mountain Minnow => 25 - 30C: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 Settings were for adult fish These warnings came up as well; Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Dalmatian Molly, minimum recommend male to female ratio is 1:2 (M:F). You will be less likely to experience problem if you get even more females. Note: Silver Hatchet may jump - lids are recommended. Warning: Cherry Shrimp may become food for German Blue Ram. Warning: Banded Archerfish requires brackish water. Note: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is a juvernile form of L085. Thoughts? I thank everyone in advance for their comments
  5. Was playing around with the http://www.aqadvisor.com/ which is kinda cool. Was getting a water temp warning. In everyones experience how close to the recommended temp for each species do you have to be? Bang on or are most of these fish fairly hardy? A few species that at 25 or 26 C the min from one and the max for another have a gap of about 1 degree. Will this cause problems and having said that should I try to keep to the average comfortable temp for a group of different fish?.(Have not even consider plant temps ...I feel a spreadsheet about to happen LOL ) I am posting this list for open debate LMAO (was originally in the main body but I had to attach it) => 16 - 26C: American Flagfish => 23 - 27C: Cherry Barb => 23 - 27C: Chili Rasbora => 21 - 27C: Cherry Shrimp => 25 - 30C: Boesemans Rainbowfish => 24 - 30C: Endler => 22 - 27C: Adolfo Cory => 19 - 28C: Panda Cory => 23 - 28C: Dwarf Gourami => 23 - 26C: Clown Killifish => 20 - 28C: Dalmatian Molly => 24 - 28C: Diamond Tetra => 23 - 26C: Rummynose Tetra => 23 - 27C: Silver Hatchet => 23 - 25C: Blackline Rasbora => 18 - 24C: Celestial Pearl Danio => 26 - 30C: German Blue Ram => 25 - 30C: Banded Archerfish => 8 - 25C: White Cloud Mountain Minnow => 25 - 30C: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 Settings were for adult fish These warnings came up as well; Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Dalmatian Molly, minimum recommend male to female ratio is 1:2 (M:F). You will be less likely to experience problem if you get even more females. Note: Silver Hatchet may jump - lids are recommended. Warning: Cherry Shrimp may become food for German Blue Ram. Warning: Banded Archerfish requires brackish water. Note: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is a juvernile form of L085. Thoughts? I thank everyone in advance for their comments
  6. Thats good to know. I did see on the many forums that are out there that even well fed they still like to catch their own, and are good at escaping. Will investigate the orange guys then.
  7. Thank you all for the great welcome and I look forward to picking everyones brain just a little. I am trying not too get ahead of myself. I have rather elaborate plans and will keep everyone updated....if they want me to LOL. Was thinking a freshwater planted community tank as I have seen a few with lots of schooling fish and it looked great. Been playing around with this http://www.aqadvisor.com/AqAdvisor.php to get an idea of what I can and cannot do. Been working on getting the tank and sump cleaned up as it was a saltwater setup and was covered in a lot of algae and other nasty red stuff. As soon as I can will bounce a few things off of you guys.
  8. Thanks for the info. As you are well aware that there is as many potential answers out there as there are members I have not got my tank setup just doing a lot of reading and asking questions. Was thinking about a freshwater planted community tank and just looking at what is out there and what I would need to do to keep what is out there lol.
  9. Plain and simple are they worth trying to get. Followed lots of links but have not found many Canadian suppliers. So before I fall truly in love with those awesome little blue lobsters should I stop right now? I saw this link http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=36812&hl=lobster#entry2261922 but was thinking it was only for the common (correct term) variety And this is in the wrong thread or is it
  10. And I am just like a little puppy! I have about 5 browser windows and 6 or 7 tabs in each reading and learning...following so many different threads, ideas etc. I was gifted a large tank (200 us gal) with a sump and a huge wooden stand. Need to reconfigure my basement a little. So many things have changed since I last had a tank (20 + years) and am excited to get back into it. Will be asking questions and I know that there will be as much advice as I can handle LOL Curtis
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