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  1. Had same result method! They are Awesome shrimps though
  2. Very shrimps dude! Where did u get the source from?
  3. How long did u keep galaxy rasboras before they start to breed? What is your water parameter? PH, GH, KH? I have around 10 and noticed some female with big belly but I have never any babies hatched... I have setup a bunch of java moss and few drifwoods for some babies can hide but so far unsuccessful..
  4. 8shrimps


    Welcome mate! Nicee to know another shrimp addict
  5. Very nice shrimps!! I particular like your OEBTs and the juveniles How many babies or juveniles on this batch do you have so far?
  6. Very nice dude! Here's a few suggestion: Attach your moss on driftwood, it will look prettier and nature. Also it will have more space to see your shrimps What kind of shrimps are you keeping in this tank? What kind of soil are you using?
  7. Hey guys thanks all, appreciate your comments! Here's some others shots BKK Tiger OEBT
  8. Thanks guys! Very appreciated
  9. 8shrimps


    Hey guys, In case ya interested to see, I posted a few shots of my shrimp in invert topic
  10. Hello everyone, Here's a few shot of my shrimps that I took PRF Black KK and Pandas CRS
  11. I saw it few times already...Yeah Mr. Micheal Nada and a few others addicted Germany always Advanced in shrimp as well as luxury sport cars... Das Autossss!!
  12. 8shrimps


    Thanks everyone! Appreciate the welcome Don't worry guys I will send some pics of my shrimps
  13. 8shrimps


    Hello everyone, I've been keep shrimps a couple years ago starting with Red cherries but got really serious into this hobby late last year. Now I have about 8 or 10 different types of shrimps (CRS, CBS, Taiwan bees, Blue Velvet, Yellow, still have Red cherry, Tiger, OEBT, black tiger, etc.)
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