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Everything posted by deblym

  1. thanks! spoke with the lfs and they agreed to take the females &/or the fry......now my daughter wants to see the babies, so we agreed to see what happens.....then take what we dont want back to the store. wish there were more options here at home...going on a fish finding road trip sunday....its rediculous how excited i am about that lol
  2. wow i wish i knew how to build stuff .
  3. just started a newbie on a steep learning curve to learn how to keep great water lol learned about cycling the hard way, learned how to cure ich effectively, now our newest challenge is discovering one of our male platys is actually a female.....and of course pregnant....sigh. now to learn about baby fry and figuring out a long term solution that doesnt include killing healthy fish. im happy to find a forum close to home
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