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Posts posted by Traffic66

  1. So an update:

    Guppies are doing absolutely wonderful So much so that I have seen new fry in my tank. Eating and swimming fine.

    The Cichlid....he started doing wonderfully. Swimming proper, eating and acting normal. Until the morning I woke up and found him on the floor about a foot away from the tank. Didn't know they were jumpers, but he did break the water a couple times before that.

  2. Find some good designs, lots of silicone and buy some acrylic.

    Build your own :)

    Quick google search turns up Johnston Industrial Plastics in Edmonton. They sell and custom cut acrylic sheets. You would need minimum of 1/2" thickness.

    That way you can just have fun and make a unique one.

    My 2 cents

  3. good save, when they are healthy maybe you would be interested in trading/ swap a few guppies for a different line. A tip for the tanks, I have used toilet bowl cleaner for the calcium build up. Must rinse numberous times, but saves on elbow grease.

    never thought of toilet bowl cleaner. might have to try that. I think I would rather have to rinse multiple multiple times than scrub all that down for hours on end.

  4. I agree, hence why they are now at my home :)

    The guppies are acting all normal and swimming properly, schooling properly etc.

    It's the Cichlid that worries me. He just keeps swimming back and forth on the bottom of the tank (literally rubbing his belly on the bottom) and smashing into the sides. Flipping around and doing it again. I hope to see him alive in the morning.

  5. Went to pick up an aquarium and saw these guys, so rescued them as well. Any tips or tricks to get these guys to health would be appreciated. If they can be cured that would be great.

    First......the tank. *** Warning!! Graphic Material ahead *** ;)


    This contained a bunch of guppies and a loach. (no pics of loach he was camera shy) and sorry about the not so good pics. These guys seem to have fin rot, and hopefully that's all. They are now in a quarantine tank and on a melafix regime. Fed them once they got acclimatized to the water and man were they hungry.



    And last but not least --- the Green Terror Cichlid and his terror of a tank. He has also been transferred to a quarantine tank with a Melafix regime.




  6. Found a couple tanks so far that would just be beautiful set up, until I see the little writing on them -- Not Meant For Water.

    What's the difference between an aquarium and a dry aquarium. Why can't you add water to some of them?

    Thanks in advance :)

  7. Thanks for the welcome.

    And as promised. The 10 gallon planted tank that I just love. Currently has a mystery snail and about 8 guppy fry in it. Will be searching for and adding some RCS into it shortly once I have some funds and find some for a good price.


  8. Welcome to AA

    Thanks :)

    In your fourth picture, the prominent fish front and center are Harlequin Rasbora's, in the last picture you have a Glowlight Tetra (guy at top left), a Black Neon Tetra (at the top on just right of center), a Neon Tetra (blurry guy bottom right with blue and red on him), a Black Skirt Tetra in the center of the image, and I can't identify the others.


    Ahh figured they were all Tetras and glad to find out I have some Rasbora's as well. Now to figure out what the one's that look like goldfish are (yellow with black). Thanks for the info.

  9. So the intro....

    Living in Cochrane. Quit smoking and was looking for something else to do with my time. Got handed a little 5 gallon with everything needed and thought why not. Did some research and found out a small tank wasn't the best to learn on so rescued a 25 gallon that was on it's way to the dump and got started. Got things I needed after many hours of research and quickly threw together a tank and started the cycle.

    Of course...it isn't the same as when I started but don't they always change?

    The start: (most things were free off Kijiji or incredibly cheap)


    Now to get frustrated with it and add some flare of my own. Plus I also got an abundance of fish for a great price (would love help ID'ing them if possible - I know the red fin black shark and the zebra danios, but the rest all I know is they are Tetras)






    Have also gone into a small 10 gallon planted tank with guppies that I just love more than this one. This 25 gallon will be rescaped soon enough with proper substrate and more plants. Less fake stuff and more natural. Will post more of the smaller one later.

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