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Everything posted by eddie0808

  1. How do these bacteria spread? Are all of my shrimps in the tank in danger of getting exposed by the bacteria?
  2. Do you mean like dying from molting? Temperature is at 75 F
  3. Hey guys! In my 10 gallon tank -7 pygmy corys -8 Red Rili shrimps -medium planted -play sand substrate -couple of Indian almond leaves -2 pads of m.pelia Lately i've seen some shrimp turning milky colour and dying one by one. So I looked it up and it seems like a bacterial infection. How do I know if its bacterial infection, and How do I treat it? Thanks!
  4. Hey guys, i'm very new to the whole shrimp breeding! I have about 10 red rili shrimps in my tank and yesterday i found one with eggs!! But unfortunately when i checked this morning the eggs seemed to have disappeared yesterday the berries shrimp seemed to be running around crazy! Some info about the tank, 10 gallon lightly planted, ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 8 What causes shrimps to drop eggs and how can i fix it?
  5. Hey guys! I have a 10 Gallon tank with a sponge filter. Lightly planted around 7 stocks with 3 pads of moss. Play sand for substrate I've dosed it with seachem stability for 7 days and prime every other day while introducing 4 pygmy corys into the tank. Its been a week since I've finished dosing with seachem stability. I did a master test kit reading, and it showed 0.25ppm ammonia 0.1ppm nitrite 10ppm nitrate 1. How long does it take until it hits 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite? 2. Is there anything I could do to speed up that process?
  6. Hi again. The pygmy corydoras got my attention when someone mentioned that they do not eat baby shrimplets and make great tankmates for the shrimps. So I wanted to get some of them, but I do not know a thing about them. If anybody is experienced with pygmy corys, and would like to share their knowledge about how to keep good care of these fish, I would really appreciate some good guide to care the pygmy corys! Thanks!
  7. I've heard some people saying that they eat dead plants, do they eat live and fresh plants as well? What about the moss that I have?
  8. Hi! I'm quiet new to the aquatic pets, and my first pet turned out to be Red Rili shrimps! Today I noticed a little snail in my 5 Gallon tank, and through my research it seems to be a pond snail. When I looked through the web i did not get a clear answer to whether or not I should just kill the snail or keep it. What are your thoughts on keeping/killing the pond snail? Oh more about my tank, 5 Gallon, sponge filter, 7 Red Rili shrimps, 2 beds of monosolenium pellia and some decors.
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