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  • Location
    St. Albert

jaxxieg's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks Wicked Odie, I am sure I will!! Thanks Funk Solid, I may or may not have a problem, depends on who I ask! lol
  2. I am fairly new to plants which is evident by my question. Can I just snip my Wisteria and pop it in the sand when it develops a lot of roots? Thanks!!!
  3. Hi everyone! I live in St. Albert, Alberta. I have been into fish since I was about 13 or so, ya pretty much forever! lol I used to have one tank and at the very most two at a time and nothing bigger than a 40g. I now have a bit of a problem which I am sure is rather common here! lol My current collection consists of: Axolotls - 7 Bettas male - 13 Bettas female - 14 two sororities American Dwarf frogs - 15 Giant Peruvian Apple snails - 4 Japanese Trapdoor snails - 10+ Ember tetras - 6 Pencil fish - 6 Threadfin rainbowfish - 4 Pygmy Cories - 6 Daisy's Ricefish - 6 Kuhli Loach Striped - 9 Kuhli Loach Black - 3 Endlers m/f - approx 15 Bronze cories - 3 False Juli cories - 3 Julie cories - 6 Emerald cories - 4 Panda cories - 10 Sailfin pleco - 1 Bristlenose Pleco - 9 Starry night pleco - 1 Ottos - 6 Gold Gouramis -2 Opaline Gourami - 1 Three Spot Gourami - 1 Pearl Gourami - 1 Marble Angelfish - 4 Gold Angel fish -2 Smokey Angelfish - 2 Pinoy Angelfish - 3 Rosy Barbs LF -3 Orange Parrot fish - 3 Flower shrimp - 4 Ammano shrimp - 6+ Red Cherry shrimp - 50+ I do work from home which enables me to focus more attention on my fin friends lol! Looking forward to meeting new fish friends and learning lots!!
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