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A-A Mentor
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Posts posted by rudy

  1. Very cool! The cat almost looks like a Learius Pictus though not Perruno?

    Here is a few photos of his collection. Although I should take more photos of his other fish, but I was really in a hurry so I can only snap a few shots. He is also known to build some of the most amazing stands. His idea of how to build a sump was excellent and I can't wait to start mine using his idea... I will hopefully have time to follow up with photos of some of his designs for his stands and sumps.

    Perrunichthys perruno catfish. This catfish broke one of my filter before it went to Richard's place. Photo doesn't show the pattern well.


    Thai silk flowerhorn. Amazing color. It is nice to see how they are doing.


    African arawanna. Can't take a clear photo of it swimming. So this laying down photo will do. It is very active.


    Flagtail. He has 3 and they are also schooling with a group of his red hook silver dollars.


    Lastly, Aussie lungfish from Theo.


    There are a lot other fish I would like to photo. For example, his tiger knife fish, jaguar catfish, niger cat, giraffe cat, lots of bichirs, and the rest of his plecos.


  2. I was downstairs last night, but didn't see the ray at the bottom of the tank. Had to look up and there he was, I thought he was done. Have you guys ever seen your ray do this?

    You have ammonia. Trust me if your ray is still alive you have to act very fast.

    Get an air bubbler in there. If you have powerheads in there pointed at the surface leave them but unless you have an overflow, that is the only effective way to oxygenate a ray tank. The water surface has to break.

  3. This was a couple weeks ago. My big girl had 3 baby Henlei. All DOA. Not sure what happened but speculation was just a first litter happening.

    She is Pregnant again so hopefully the next ones work out.

    Best baby henlei pattern I have seen though!

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