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Posts posted by chlwong

  1. I've noticed these strange dandelion-like things stuck to my glass and stuck to some of my plants.
    The only way i can describe them is that they have a small sack that sort of resembles snail eggs and is anchored with a sort of stem.

    Not sure if this is an emergency, but my worry is fungus or something harmful.

    These are the best images i can get of them:



    Any thoughts?


  2. If that's a sword in the back mid right I would replace it with something that is smaller, I had a sword completely take over a 65gal.

    The layout is really nice I think the tank will grow in beautifully.

    Yeah, those are swords. They're not doing too well right now. If they do get bigger we'll move them to a larger tank.

    What would you suggest we replace it with?


  3. Would love to see pictures of your fish!

    I prefer using imgur for my pictures. You can hyperlink text like so. This will direct people straight to the website hosting the image.

    There is a small icon that looks like a chain with a small green + on the bottom right. Hovering over it will reveal "link".


    Highlight your text and click that icon and attach the URL of your image.

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    which would instead attach the image to your post itself:


  4. Sounds like a really good idea! i'd love to attend if you guys get it going. I've actually been looking around for similar events around Calgary.
    I think some workshops would be a nice addition for those who are interested in learning how to scape their tanks, or anything else of that sort.

  5. Hey everyone.

    So a few days ago (~4 days) I set up my tank and began to cycle it right away. After a couple of days I began testing my water and I had these results:
    NH3: 0-0.25ppm

    NO2: 0-0.25ppm

    NO3: ~ 5ppm

    I found this odd but I figured there wasn't any ammonia to start the cycle. So I took a sponge and some granite marbles from an older tank and swished them around in my new tank to seed it. I also put a pinch of fish food (which was ground up) in there.
    A day later, I tested the water again and this time I got these results after dropping some fish food into the tank and waiting a few hours:
    NH3: 0.25ppm
    NO2: 0ppm
    NO3: 5.0ppm

    What is going on? Is my tank safe for fish already? If so, how? If not, what exactly is going on right now?

    I'm headed out tomorrow morning to find some ammonia in a bottle in order to test if it is in fact cycled, but I thought I'd post something here in the hopes that someone else has had the same experience.



  6. So this is my very first tank. I got a starter kit and the bulbs were complete garbage. So I went out and purchased an 18" sunblaster that was on sale and it's awesome. I just don't know how to get it set up.

    The light came with these clips and a set of screws and wall plugs.

    hQXSYBT.jpgI'm going to be honest with you guys here, I have no idea what those clips do and how to use them. All I know is they attach to the light and a string goes through them.. or something...

    This is where my tank is right now, it's right next to a wall and it's also at a good height where strings could probably be attached to the ceiling.


    Anyways, Let me know if you guys have any ideas on how I should go about doing this!


  7. @ckmullin Great! I actually do have some questions. Keep an eye out for some pm's from me ;)

    @Frogfish haha, I'm half worried and half excited. I'm more than sure I'll love this. I'm currently cycling my tank and I'm already in love.

  8. Hey everyone!

    I'm completely new to aquariums and I recently started up with my girlfriend and my little brother. We have a good friend who has had aquariums for a good decade or so now and he's been introducing us to it slowly and well, gave me this site.
    I'm located in Calgary and for the past week we've been slowly gathering supplies and setting up tanks. With boxing day sales, it's been a blast!
    I've been working on terrariums for a few months now. I've also been working on my garden with my Grandpa for a couple years.

    As I'm only starting out now, I decided to go cheap in case this isn't something I truly love and end up giving the stuff away. I have a Tetra, 10gal starting kit. I also bought some light bulbs from Walmart that were recommended to me for growing plants (http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/6000188529292). I have some aquatic soil, a heater and a few decoration items.

    Anyways, my current plans are to either get a pure shrimp tank (probably cherry), or a more community tank with a variety of small fish.
    I'm also looking for carpet plants and other live plants as well.

    That's about it! Looking forward to reading posts you all make!

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