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Posts posted by pipejax

  1. Specs:

    20 gallon long

    Nat geo 30.5 inch led light(7 hours per day)

    seachem flourite substrate

    seachem line of additives (6 days a week using the tlar method)supplimented with guppy dung.

    co2 ista 1 litre and fluval diffuser 1bbl/3sec

    filtered with fluval 206

    50 watt heater 25 degrees c

    fluval skimmer

  2. Sounds like the amount you are adding is not a whole lot. Plants will grow slower and you may have a little more algae show up in the tank. I think the vals will grow back in time.

    Others may know more than i though.


  3. Hello

    So I got tired of looking through my tanks and seeing the hoses and cables running down in behind them. Painting the glass on the backside of the tank black was going to be a pain in the butt. So I looked around and spotted my wifes neoprene workout matt. I unrolled it and found it to be the perfect length to wrap around the sides and back. I added strips of velcro to the matt and sides of the tank to hold it on. he tank is a tall 66 gallon sitting in the basement which is much cooler than the rest of the townhouse in the winter. What i got is a 1 cm thick insulating black background. Seems to work great.

    For my 54 gallon tank upstairs I found a roll of foam(i think it is also neoprene)liner for kitchen drawers at wall mart in black worked like a charm for that tank too.

    If you have a tank already set up or one you would like to insulate a bit, this may be a good option.




  4. My previously loved tank aquired from an AA member good deal for 75 bucks

    66 gallon tank with hood,python drain hose assembly,api canister filter,200 watt heater,assorted filter media, Inhabited by my 10 congos.( tank is cycling/cloudy)

    Bottom tank is a 20 gallon long with flourite substrate filled with plants and clippings to grow out a bit. Dosing with exell and flourish. Inhabited by five guppies.





  5. Phenacogrammus Interuptus(congo tetra) are spawning. No xtra tank for them to do their thing in and everybody in the tank knows. Male and female are setting themselves up in the top of my wisteria in the front corner casting eggs and the other fish are waiting for the free lunch. Frustrating situation

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