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Posts posted by Protato

  1. I recently cycled a tank and now have an outbreak of some sort of algae. It might be hair algae, but it is mostly white. You can see it the most easily if you look at the rock in the picture. None of my other tanks have experienced this so I am not sure why or how to manage it. Many of the pearl weed plants have it too.

    My lighting is on a timer for 5 hours a day, and I had no issues during the cycle. It seemed to happen overnight. Since i noticed it I have been dosing Excel as per bottle daily.

    Anyone have experience with this and have any pointers?



  2. Hi Everyone,

    I have a fairly heavily planted 15 gallon tank with 10 CPD and 10 Cherry shrimp. The CPD rush and hide with any movement (which is constant with kids...).

    I just finished cycling a little 5 gallon Iwagumi tank and want something more active and less shy. I am debating between Neon Tetras and Harlequin or Porkchop Rasboras. Does anyone have any recommendations between the two? 



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