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Posts posted by ky3ma

  1. For you tank i would recommend 2 honey gourami's they tend to like company and my honey is extremly docile and active compared to my dwarf gourami that hid quite a bit.

    For the tetras i would recommend 7-8 cardinal tetras.

    In my experience the corys would do ok in a group of 4 but more with a schooling fish is always better. 

  2. Hello my name is Kyden. Here's a few things about me. I am quite young at 15 years old. Relatively new to fish keeping. I have 2 tanks currently a 36 gallon Angelfish tank and a 29 gallon live bearer tank. Looking to expand further but the limitations of  parents restricts me. I hope to eventually get into something larger something 100 gallons or larger. Nice meeting you all.

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