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Posts posted by Matteus

  1. I’m just wondering if anyone here knows anything about Achara catfish? I have 2 right now but am about to rehome  one to a friends house. 


    So so far I just k ow hat they grow fast for a year and a bit. Then slow down around 16”. They are very spuratic with what they eat, but typical whatever fits in the mouth is food. Also found out the hard way the mouth is much bigger than it looks...

  2. Haha. I would love to. But the next upgrade means we either take out a wall or move to a bigger house. The later is more likely so I will refrain from taking out the wall for a fish tank to maintain resale value of our current home. 

  3. Hey everyone, my name is Matt. I’m new here but have been frequenting other global fish forums for a few months now. 

    Im in Calgary and am a new member of the aquarium society here. A friend from there  actually referred me here. I just got back into fish keeping in December when my wife bought me a tank for Christmas. I warned her that she was unlocking Pandora’s box. 


    I am am a big fan of big fish, so I started with a 70 gal bowfront. Then within a week or two needed a 30 gal hospital tank to house an Oscar that wasn’t doing well, only to lose the Oscar before I understood the cycle process. (I have learned much since then). A few weeks later ended up with a 180 and I have been having all sorts of fun ever since. 

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