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Everything posted by mykiss

  1. Congrats!!!! they look great!!! neat little fishes aren't they!
  2. This is a great sticky!! I tried the fishless cycle once.....I was using the nitrite test kit to try to detect ammonia......trust me it won't pick up a thing.....well at least within the first week or so. I just kept adding ammonia and adding and adding thinking that I would stop when I see the nitrite test kit change color.....then after dumping about half a litre in a 27 gallon tank it started to smell strong!!! ooopppsss.... I learnt quick what I was doing wrong. So it goes to say....get the Ammonia AND nitrite test kit when doing this.
  3. I'd do the same too. In fact, I'd make a fuss out of it and perhaps they give you a discount if you were to do some re-stocking of fishes.
  4. Sorry to hear. It sucks cause you even had a cover for it. I lost a couple of oscars once when I accidently forgot to put the lid back onto the tank after a water change. Got home from a movie and found 2 oscars covered in dust.....well, I was sad but then, I used them as crab bait and it works great! LOL I hate to waste.
  5. mykiss


    Hi!!! a few people on this forum probably know me from BCAquaria but I thought I'd branch out and see other cool forums such as this one! HHmmmmm... about myself... I currently have 12 tanks running with the largest being a 75 planted tank which I'm breeding some longfinned albino plecos and Taiwan blue shrimps. Most of my other tanks are shrimp breeding tanks which include red cherry shrimp, tiger shrimp, and crystal red shrimp. I am also breeding heterandria formosa (easy to breed) and also have lots of koi swordtails and some assortment of apple snails. What else........ I'm the club librarian of the Vancouver Aquatic Hobbyist Club. A few people may have read our published page in the most recent Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine. Pretty much I live and breathe fish! Anyways, that's it for now! Cheers and hope to chat more in the future! Oh yeah, I'm from BC but it doesn't stop me from shipping ;-)
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