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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by maniac

  1. do you need any kind of pump to force the co2 into the tank? or am i missing something? sorry i've never added co2 but i'm thinking about it. Maniac
  2. is there any natural ways to lower both ph and general hardness in the water? I mean apart from treatments bought at fish stores? or what is the best way to do this? thanks maniac
  3. hey i'm thinking about adding plants and wondering what substrate works the best or does it depend on the plant? i'm thinking some swords as recommended to me, does that affect it?
  4. sorry its a 20 gallon tank i think the lights 15W
  5. hey i've been noticing recently that my water has a bit of a greenish tinge to it. Is this normal? I mean i just put on a backdrop that has some green plants on it so it might be my imagination. I am planning on doing a water change tomorrow and its been a week and a half since the last one. Thanks. maniac
  6. hey i'm looking at getting some plants in my tank in order to balance things out. I'm just wondering what i all need for plants. Or is there some moss that works to grow on driftwood. the current lighting is a 15W flourescent light.
  7. I'm getting a 20 gallon community tank and putting in a pair of apisto's or rams with danios and tetras with one bristlenose pleco. Now i'm wondering if i need to get another pleco for the tank or wait and see if mine will keep up with the algae buildup. i mean will a second work in that sort of tank?
  8. I'm setting up a 20 gallon community tank with a pair of apisto's or german rams, and thinking about keeping danios and some tetras or tiger barbs. How many can i keep of each? oh yeah i also have one bristinose pleco that will be in the tank and maybe thinking of getting another? maniac
  9. sorry the picture didn't come up, I'm trying again
  10. after talking to the people at tanks a lot and gold aquarium ltd. I settled on getting a BN pleco here's a picture of him. thanks to all you guys in helping me out.
  11. after talking to the people at tanks a lot and gold aquarium ltd. I settled on getting a BN pleco here's a picture of him.
  12. thanks i will check them out probably in the morning tomorrow, i don't have to work maniac
  13. sorry to ask so many questions, how bushy is bushy? i just found a picture of them,....well i think its a male, so the female will just have a smooth face with nothing on it or are her bristles just less noticeable?
  14. how can you tell if a pleco is male or female?
  15. is there a specific place better then others to find an adult pleco, or do i just call around to differing stores and see if they have it? Chad
  16. so are you saying that to get rid of him before i add the pleco because i was going to get rid of him before any other fish are added.
  17. thank you for the super fast reply, very appreciated.
  18. hey okay here's the scoop i finally have algae coming in and need to get a pleco but i don't know what kind i need. I have a 20g tank with a 2.5 inch Jack Dempsey in there which i need to eventually get rid of and I'm hoping to put rams and tetras in there in his place. What kind of pleco won't get beat up to bad by the Jack Dempsey and yet live in a community setting while not out growing the tank? Thanks maniac
  19. do you have a picture of him so we can see what he looks like? Maniac
  20. Hey I'm looking at getting some german blue rams and wondering what fish go well with them. Also what kind of tank set up do they like. I mean do they like rocks or more plants. can someone help me? Chad
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