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Posts posted by punman

  1. Until recently I had only used pool filter sand and I do like pool filter sand!

    My supplier was out and RD and others suggested Target Play Sand. I tried some in a 20 gallon tank and it was fine. I now have it mixed half and half in a 33 gallon with pool filter sand. Colour is almost the same.

  2. Does the City of Calgary add chlorine or chloramine to our tap water?

    Does anyone know?


    Chlorine yes, but chloramine no. You can check the city website on water content. I talked to them personally two years ago so my comments are based on that.

  3. My yellow labs that were 2 inches at purchase, began spawing a few months later. That was 15 months ago. In that 15 months the 6 females have spawned 42 times (that is an average 7 times in 15 months per fish or about every second month). There may have been a few "botched" non full term spawns in there too.

    The spawn size has ranged from 4 to 21 so that is what you have to look forward to.

  4. I agree with Pat. I had a Lee's and took it back thinking defect but I took it home and tried again.

    Put claw into tank, submerge it a bit so water fills the claw but don't put it too deep. Put tap end to fill and run a bit of water INTO the tank - maybe 20 seconds, make sure tank does not over flow. While this is happening after 20 seconds, switch blue tap end to "Drain" and turn hot and cold on full blast for 20 seconds -water should start draining and then you can turn off the taps unless you are tryting to drain "up a mountain."

  5. I will try to answer both heater questions.

    For my 180 gallon I run two 250 W Ebos and I keep the tank at 77 F. I don't need three heatars and I don't want to chance one heater as it is a 6 ft tank and I want even heating.

    Regarding the smaller tank - I recently was given a 20 gallon tank and I only had a 50W Ebo on hand. I thought I'd need more wattage but thought "what the heck, I'll give it a try." It is on the main floor and keeps the tank at 78F but I notice it is on a lot. Twenty-five gallon tanks might need more, I use 100-125W on my 33 gallons.

  6. -roll- -roll- -roll-

    I think if we took a vote on this punman wins hands down. :bow:

    I think I "lost" hands down with my wife. We babied these bags of fish all the way to Edmonton, contacted the Alberta Aquatica members that wanted the fish, made delivery, went to our business meeting in Edmonton, then arrived at our hotel at 6:30 pm to find no luggage. Luckily it was for only a night so we went out to find toothbrushes, etc. At that point she wasn't interested in shopping for sexy lingerie. (LOL)

    My wife said "don't you remember me asking you if you packed the suitcase?" Sure I packed it but you never asked if I took it out to the car.

    All I heard for the next week was "your fish are more important !!!"

    PS We are still married and I still have all my fish tanks.

  7. I have a 33 gallon tank at the school where I teach. It is like a grow-out tank for labs and Dolphins as I just brought some fry from home.

    It's okay but I have grow tanks at home and would like something a little different. Any suggestions?

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