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Posts posted by punman

  1. I did go to Petland with an old no name type small hang-on-back filter. They credited me the equivalent for an AquaClear of the same size and then I paid the difference to move up to an AC110.

    I see AquaClears are 20% OFF at Petland at the moment so they likely would have been the best price in Calgary anyways this week.

  2. I went to Concept this evening. cost me $18 for a 14 x 22 inch. I felt it was reasonable and best of all, I did not have to come back for it. They did it on the spot. It is not too convenient to where I live but I was up in that part of town anyways so it all worked out. I also noticed that their New Life Spectrum was cheaper than pretty much anywhere in Calgary.

  3. I had seven 1.5 - 2 inches from Spence rJack. Grew them to adults and over 12 months had 9 spawns from 4-20 fry with 10 being the average.

    Fry survival rate was lower tahn with Malawis. The fry did best when started on live brine shrimp. I sold most of the fry at one inch for $8-$10 a piece.

    Eventually they stopped breeding and the adults died too. I'd try them again. They are a neat fish.

  4. Hatching shrimp for newborn fish is fine. It just takes a day or day and a half. Anything after that is not worthwhile. Newborn fish can't eat 1/4 inch shrimp and if they are for older fish, just buy frozen brine shrimp or live if you can find it. Not worth raising your own.

  5. I tried my first canister seven years ago when I bought a stand and tank that came with an Eheim 2217. Nice and quiet and reliable. I bought a couple more new ones for a 180 gallon tank that could not handle hang-on-back filters.

    Only negative was that they were tough to prime after cleaning. I sold them when I sold that tank and am only using AClear on my present tanks.

  6. I started with pool filter sand 7 years ago and loved it. Then one day my local supplier was out so I tried playsand from Home Depot. I liked the pool filter look a little more but the playsand worked fine and was cheaper.

  7. Has this ever happened to anybody?

    I was in the room at work where I have my 6 foot frontosa tank. I heard a thump and looked over and there was a 9 inch frontosa on the shelf by the tank. It must have soared upward and hit the 4 inch by 24 inch glass (not plastic) hinged top, escaped, and then the top came back down.

    I quickly grabbed a net and put her back in the tank, no worse for wear. I have had small fish escape out of slits in the back of the tank, but never in this fashion.

  8. Thanks for the help from those who responded.

    The following morning the eggs were fungused. I could not deal with them until day's end. When I came home from work all were doomed so I ended with zero fry.

    Sad, but I am happy to know I had a spawn. Either none were fertile or they just needed better care.

  9. So excited! My S. petricola catfish spawned in a flower pot- marbles setup. I removed the marbles this morning to find probably 200 small eggs.

    Now what do I do? I tried putting them in my tumbler but they fall through the holes at the bottom. So I temporarily have them in a breeder box with an air stone, floating in my ten gallon tank.

    Do they need lots of agitation? How long to hatch? Advice please.

  10. Q:Where do you get your cyclopeeze?

    A: I got my last batch at Gold Aquarium in Calgary. It goes a long way so buy the smallest container available unless you split with a friend.

  11. I feed my African cichlid fry live baby brine shrimp exclusively for two or three weeks. Then move them over to cyclopeeze and NLS crushed Grow formula with live BBS for a couple of weeks to wean them off of the BBS.

    That is just an average. My cyprichromis need live BBS longer and my tropheus fry, not as long.

    My shrimp take 24-30 h to hatch and then I use it within 6 hours.

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