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Posts posted by punman

  1. Were these fry from egg layers? Live bearers? If egg layers, were they mouth brooders?

    I have had good success with hatching brine shrimp and use it with all my fry for at least two weeks.

    Send me a personal message and we can discuss tips and tricks.

  2. thanks for the gorgeous tropheus kirizas. They had full color again within an hour of being in there new tank. I am really going to enjoy these beautiful specimans.

    I have also seen some breeding behavior this afternoon while watching them with my daughter.

    Thanks again Punman

    Glad to hear that. I feel good when my stock goes to responsible individuals who will take good care of their fish pets.

  3. I had foai sibwesa in a 180 with cyps for a time. Started with about ten juveniles. Males were gorgeous at spawning time. The silver females were not a bad colour either for nondescript females. That is probably the one fish I got rid of that I regret. It needs to the boss of the tank though. Can't put aggressive stuff in with it so you are somewhat limited. I found a pic of mine on my computer so I post a picture below.


  4. Nice choice dude.Awesome pics.Always wanted to try kilesa.Just picked up 3f/1m Ophthalmotilapia ventralis last week to go with my 8 cyp kitumbas.

    Where did you find the O. ventralis?

    I am surprised to see this thread resurrected. I started it over 6 months ago. The comps are starting to grow and dig among the rocks and the kilesa are 3 inches with the males showing nice colour but the females don't seem too interested yet.

  5. That does seem puzzling. I ordered in some compressiceps six months ago. They were an inch in length. I fed them NLS Grow and 1 mm and for a few days they would not touch it (no idea what they were fed before that). I was kind of worried as that is the only food I use but I persisted and after a few days they started to eat it.

    Now, 6 months later they still go right after it and are growing well (according to what I hear growth for comps is like). Bottom line - I don't know what the problem is - cannot imagine it would be the food but I guess that observation does not help you much.

  6. I have one Coral Life T-5 unit with a double bulb for one tank, my other tanks have standard fixtures with single T-8 bulbs. I need a strip for another four foot tank and am thinking of Coral-life again for a cichlid tank. Been pretty happy with it.

    Have any of you tried Coral-Life and regretted it or gone back to the standard, say All-glass deluxe strip or similar?

    Can anyone explain the pros and cons of T-5 vs T-8 lighting?

  7. I never go to this link much but it would have helped me six years ago when I was starting out. Thought I'd add a picture of a holding Cyprichromis Utinta. It's quite dramatic - more so in the picture than real life as the camera flash shines through the stretched skin. They are small mouthed fish so usually just a few eggs but it is amazing how they cram them in there.


  8. When you buy them, you normally will just get the sponge with the tube and the air stone inside the tube. You then have to buy some vibrating pump to attach a line from the pump to the filter. Filter is cheap but you have to still buy the pump.

    I have used them with success but think I would just as soon buy a small Aqua Clear hang-on-back filter and put a sponge over the intake. Then when the fry grow, just remove the sponge and I have a filter in place.

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