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Everything posted by Raven

  1. No, not now... Tajiri died thing morning... i had been struggling to get him to eat. But i can discribe a cellophane to you. There fins are clear, completely see though, and there bodys pretty much the same, you can see blood vessels, even organs sometimes. They are real freaky if you think about it. O.o
  2. ahh i see... hmm, ill have to change things then.
  3. lol, i know alot of people that think im a phsyco just cause i own them and care about them. There most famous saying that makes me want to slap them is " There just fish, who really cares about fish?" Grrr...
  4. I have a male that ice like to test the " pureness" of his genes. Far as i can tell hes a pure cellophane. So id like to borrow a female, if anyone has one so that i can determine this guys genetic alells. If some one has one, ill owe you! big thanks to you all!
  5. The three new plants i bought a couple week back had root systems growing on them, and were doing well. Now though, all the stems of the plants are detaching it seems, from the roots, and i have alot of plants floating on the top of the water. Why does this happen? will the plants die? Or will they grow still? What should i be doing?
  6. lol, Sorry. Theres so many threads and all, that i loss track some times. Ive desided on 2 sets of trios. One of Aulonocara Hanbaeschi, the one ive had troubles finding, and of Yellow Labs. The posts youve probably seen from me, is about the tanks set up. As it stands, ive some small and large gravel, mixed that barely covers the bottom of the tank. I have some rock decor, but i need more for hidy holes. And i have only a powerhead with a filter. So ive alot more to get, which i hope will be soon. Im hopeing to get the fish at Edmonton club auction thing on 0ct 17 if i can, that way if they breed, theyll be of good quality. anyway.... i think thats it. lol.
  7. lol, you guys are phycos... lol, and i cant spell, when im dead tired! I have ask my grandma about the pots yet, i figure ill ask her at thanksgiving, that way if anyone gets made about it, theyll know whats up right away and can tell me to my face. As for plain old Alberta rock, i have some, alot really, just not big ones, which makes them nearly useless-.- Hm, plastic bottles eh? I wouldnt use them in a tank, i think theyd look tacky, lol, but for betta breeding, sounds like a good idea. All i need is that 10g from Josh. lol.
  8. no, ive just let the tank run with no fish in it the last couple of weeks. The spounge filter has bacteria already built in it from other times ive used it, so i think that helped things. As far as the spawn goes, this one has once again ended in failure. Mystic has now out lived both Canibis and Red, the two males i was conditioning to breed with her. Now ill have to wait and buy a new male that matches her colours. The two i have left are too pale to make any decent looking fry. Angels a white spekled male, and Tajiri is a cellophane. Im going to call petcetra, the place were i first got my females and see if i can get some more, i find there males are sometimes better looking then petsmarts too. Ill post any info if ive got another spawn planned.
  9. Set up: As it stands the set up is pretty basic. Ive the filter and heater in one corner, then a drift wood with fabric plants angeled in the same corner. I tied some extra plastic plants on, just incase. For the filter ive it set up to a value that reduces the amount of bubbles so it barily disturbs the water. On the opposite end i've the glass chimney. I figure ill let the setup run for a week or a few days more, so that itll give me time to condition the pair with some frozen bloodworms i got. So far the tanks been running for 5 days, and the pairs been conditioned 3. When i go to add the pair i will also tape the cup to the tank. I turned on the heater, on day 2 of the tank being set up so, there should even be some benifical bacteria in the tank since itll run long enough for a fishless cycle. I've slowly raise the temp, and i condition the pair,with betta bits before work and frozen bloodworms after. By next week i plan to introducing the pair to the tank. I hope things go well. Any advise as i go along would be greatly appresated by the way. Right now things, mainly the conditioning, will get screwed up cause i had to go to the hospital, and i might not get home for a couple of days. So far the male (Red) seems to love the bloodworms, only problem is that i think its making him constapated. The female (Mystic) wont even touch it, in fact i cant get the female to eat at all. Though i have caught her being flirtaious as she was all stripped up, and flaring at the guys around her, if i can get her to eat, hopefully she wont be too much of a handful for Red.
  10. *sigh* This will be the second time ive typed this, damn pc. Hopefully i remember everyhing. OK, i think ive changed my mind on this stuff. So far i have a blacke and white and red and white limestone (i think) rocks, Also 2 rock figurines one black, one brown with the black being smaller. Cause the browns so big im thinking of not using it and maybe giving it away. In its replace i plan pots, insead of pipes. Pipes just confuse me and make me worried when it comes to water. Bonus to the pots is that my granmda has a founain made from those red caly pots, which comes with nice sones. The pots are different sizes, making it a great opprotunity to find which size suits the fish ill get, and the stones with look nice with the river rocks i have. The down side is that my Aunt gave it to her a year or so ago, so there might be a family feud over this. But grandma doesnt have it set up alot, so im hoping its broken or something so i can'borrow' it or somthing.... what you guys think?
  11. ok, i think Christy has the kit for her tank... ill check next time im home. No one has any extra gravel? im kinda short for cash right now, and pay day isnt till next friday, and if i wait till then im worried the tank wont be ready for Oct 17 and the auction where ill by the fish. Is it alright if i fill the tank with water, set up the decor and run just the powerhead with filter attachment right now? Even though i dont have a proper filter or the right amount of gravel? As for the other tank and the fungus that went through, its going on week 2 of being clean and the survivors show no signs of sickness.
  12. thanks for the tip, should i run the older one and the new one at the same time though?
  13. ok, tanks. I have to set up the powerhead and filter soon, so maybe that will help abit. For a actual filter i plan on the one with a bio wheel, ive one set up in my communal tank and it works great. Ill have to buy a powerbar before i do anything electrical yet, one plug in for 2 tanks isnt enough with out one. Any way, if anything else stumps me, im sure youll hear of it.
  14. I done have enough subrate for the african set up. The amount i have now barily covers the bottom of the tank, so id like to use someone subrate that they have in a african set up. My threoy is that the bacteria in the gravel could help the tank cycle in a fishless cycle. If not, then id gladly appreatate any gravel, small gravel, along with... a spounge that you can leave in the back of your filter to collect bacteria so i can put it in the tank. It just a idea Degrassi gave me. Please, some one help me out, lol.
  15. i have kept a upside down cat in a comm tank before, then the fuzz came and claimed his life along with others.
  16. what kind of camera did you use? whered you get it and are there any specail features to it?
  17. hmmm... any catfishes from maliwi?
  18. Im just wondering but what to you condtion your pairs with and feed you fry with? Im setting up far a spawn and should have things started with in a week. Ill start my own thread on it so things can be compared. Sound like a good idea?
  19. ... The closest i have to anyof those guys is a cellophane i bought yesturady, He's a veil CT cross. I realy wish i had a cellophane female to test his genetics with though.
  20. The plants that i do have are Water Wisteris, a Rotala Indica, and a bocampa... im not sure if i got the names right, but ill try and get pictures off the web the look like them. As far as the nonaqatic one that i have, ive no clue what it is. Its stripped like a Acorus, but it doesnt grow like grass. Maybe iyou know what it is better then i do. Theres also hair algea growing on it. Then that black stuff you see some of the tanks at a walmart covered in... i dont know what it is but its on my fabric plants.
  21. I here plants have a slight impact onNitrate and nitrie levels, so i was wondering which would be best to buy to help eat up these levels? Ive a non aquatics plant, dont know its name, thats lived in the tank for months, i also required 3 new plants, which are list in the other post.
  22. Ive a Mystery plant, that i know isnt really aquatic, i also have to add a new Water Wisteris, a Rotala Indica, and a bocampa (sp) that i bought today.
  23. the NUMBER 1 site id recomend is fishprofiles.com its will give you info on almost any fish and will give you a list of possible compatible tank mates, along with warning as to what could happen and reasons why the fish cant be put together. For the profiles you go to the pic above "346 speices profiles", for a compatibily go to the pic above "fish compatibility". Ive always just found it easiest to go straight to the compatibilty list because it shows common names, symnos, and thescientifics ones. And once chosen it gives you profiles anyway, plus the list of tank mates.
  24. hmm, ok, ill suggest mollies to chirsty and ill mention this bits of info... far as i can see shes buying fish cause they look cool... ugh.
  25. hmmm... i lives in edmonton.... ive no car, i reliey on transportation from others... i do know a family that lives in leftbridge, but my there friends of my cousins and i dont know them too well. Also i know a old best friend who lives in high river... but i havent talked to her in ages. Im sorta stuck here.... so if someone from edmonton, or calgary plans on picking us all up, i have to stay here.
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