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Everything posted by Raven

  1. hmmm.... Live rock? well they got more fish, that ive seen, looks like some rosy bards and a weird dotted fish with long fins... they got them from the petstore in st.albert... paradise pets i beleive its called. If someones been there before maybe they know more then i do... if so, what can you tell me about then and how they will help with the eventunal switch?
  2. *Sighs dreamily....* If only you werent so far away....
  3. Are both the spawns pure CTs?
  4. Me too then id be albe to get my hands on some.... anyway i can do that?? *hint hint*
  5. Well my plans for spawnign will have to wait now.... till after i get my cichlid tank up and running. Canibis the male i was planning to use died today... ill have to wait till i can buy another one that matches Mystics colour, hopefully not to young either.... Arrg... theres got to be a easier way now... How bout i borrow someones male??
  6. according to some of the articels of the cichlid forums it is. When i saw the pictures of it i liked the look of it, but i think ill just use some pipes and have the covered with gravel along with the rocks. That way itll provide some nice caves for the girls. I hope.
  7. lol, ill see which ones cheaper. And i am thinking of makeing the cave for the famales. they will be trios with one male each, but still. The silocon i was thinking of useing to put the gravel/rocks on it, along with some fabric plants to makes for a bit more protection. They read the pipes by diameter right? how long could i get them at or is there a set length?
  8. Ive chosen a trio of Alonocara hansbaechi (sp) and because i thought theyd look lonly in a 30g, i though a trio of yeloow labs would look nice to. They share a simmilar diet and both need a rock cave set up right? Im still working on the setup, ive about 100 buck worth the differt rock decorations and know im looking into the DIY projects. Im interested in doing something with clay, but im not sure my old high school would let me use the kilm. Could i get some help with this? And some one to help me shop for the fish... i figure next monthish, so i dont mix up when sexing them. I thought 1 male 2 female for each trio would be nice. Any suggestions?
  9. number 5 or 6 looks like a fish some one on the board wanted... ill just get the addy he put up with the pics of the fish he wanted. The fishes name is Cyprichromis leptosoma and heres the pics: http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/c_leptosoma_utinta.php
  10. Out of all your guys experience, are the pipes that you used always plastic? Im thinking of heading to a home depot soon, once i get my mom to send the tank i need to my dads house. With peacocks and yellow labs what size would i need? How much would it cost, with a tube of aquarium safe silicon?
  11. Thanks! I'll be sure to try to follow your steps, and a bit of my own just incase. I think ill try and spawn Canibis and Mystic in the next week or so. First ill have to get some blood worms cause all they get is betta bits. Ill, let you know how things go, and ill post everything, lol. If i mess up you can help
  12. Lol, know i wish i knew people that liked coconuts, so the milk and meat wont be waisted, and that i could get my hands on some java moss. I think it be great from the cichlids, wont it?
  13. Thanks. I'll let you know how things go.
  14. Thanks, the ideas are really nice. Is there anymore DIY projects i could do?
  15. Im a newbie at it, but hopefully one day i will be a breeder. Right now i just have veils, and i have tried breeding them 2 or 3 times with mixed amounts of failure. I have a problem of ceecking the tank semi clean. Their poo sure makes a mess. Anyway, i thought you could help me get this down pat so that once i start with breeding pairs ill be better at looking after the fry.
  16. I know i can make caves from coconuts, but i don't think that would be too good for my cichlid tank. Right now ive also $100 worth the decorations so i think ive spent enough. The only problem is, i still dont think it will provid enough(in number and in size) hiding places. So i turn to you, the local expects, to help my finish off the set up for my tank, and create some final hide outs.
  17. I was wondering what kind of salt water fish would make good starters. In a 55g corner tank i have, 6 blue gold skirt tetras to start the bacteria growth. As a substrate theres pebbles and aruba puka shells, for hiding places theres fake roots, and coral and a bunch of plastic plants. After the tank is cycled, what fish can go in that can be found in edmonton.
  18. alright, ive narrowed my search down to kribs, shellies, and peacocks. The q is, what kind :S I NEED MORE INFO PLEASE!!!!!
  19. Raven

    Another Fish

    Lol, thanks guys. Kow help me figure out what cichlids to get! lol.
  20. Raven

    Another Fish

    lol, maybe i will, once i figure were to post it.
  21. Raven

    Another Fish

    Hey all, My names Amanda, im from Edmonton, round a area called Wellington. My life is fairly complicated, with having to live in more then one place and having to find a good. Which i finaly found near Northgate. My parents are divorced, which explain most of life complicatedness, and my boyfriend lives around abottsfield were i spend most of the week. As far as pets go.... Mine are everywere. My dog, a malamute wolf cross is at mom's, along with the cats the are my brothers really. At dad's ive my fish.... hold on ill list em. In the 29g reg... i always round up to 30 for some reason, there is: 1-Black Mystery Snail (Midnight) 1-Ramhorn Snail (Curly) 1-Rainbow Shark (Sharky) 1-CAE (Gem) 1-Upsidedown Catfish 3- Female Pale Bi-coloured Bettas (Auroa, Chance, Lucky) 3-Red Minor Tetras 3-Black Skirt Tetras 4-Lemon Tetras (Lemon. The largest) In there own bowls: 1-Red Male Betta with Blue flecks (Red) 1-Dark Blue/Green with Black and Red Male Betta (Canibis) 1-White with poteintal Purple/Red buterfly pateren (Angel) 1-Dark Blue\Purple with Black Female Bettas (Mystic) Then if you wanted to you could say my boyfriends two dogs are mine too, but not really, lol. And then theres my future cichlids.... I cant wait.
  22. What are kribs like? ive a few links that gave me some info on them from petfish, but i dont reallt know what they go with? I think 1 pair will be ok if i can get them,what other cichlids would they be ok with? Are they ok with the other fish im thinking of? Will they get along with my usdcatfish? I think they both come from rivers if i remember right. Any way? id like to know what you guys think, please! the links on kribs: http://www.petfish.net/krib.htm http://www.petfish.net/kribensis.htm http://www.petfish.net/kribalex.htm Abyother tips on these fish?? im close to finalizing what i want, were could i get most of these fish in edmonton?
  23. The gravel i have, thats second hand has small blue gravel with larger with gravel mixed into it, ive also got more white gravel and some really ugly pink stuff im trying to aviod. As far as rocks and all go, ive a white and black one i previously had in my tropical tank, i also have some small river rock from the mountains and some coral and other sea shells. Just based on that what fish would you pick? please keep in mind i will buy some other hollow things to provide more shelter.... ill up date you on those developments. I really hant to get a cichlid that eats other fish, i only know of oscars and they grow up to 12" long, so they are WAY too big for me plans. Ive had electric yellows and bumblebees suggested to me alot too, and thanks to some of the sites the guys from petfish gave me i kinda know how to sex them too. Like i told them, i really have my heart set on a Hap... what would you guys suggest?... i think thats enough q's for now.
  24. Raven


    OK thanks. Ill still use the clean bottom, with a jar method i used last time. But now ive also desided to wait till i sell my 4 females and get some smaller ones.
  25. Sorry to hear about your gnp. i think my otto did the same thing...
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