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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by eurostar

  1. but this is on the inside and theres a couple red spots around the tail
  2. hey today my ram got a large red blotch right above his stomach looks almost like hes bleeding inside or something. anyone know what this could be? can this problem/disease spread to other fish? what causes this? i just got him yesterday with another one and the other gold ram is fine. i tested my water nitrate nitrite and amonia is all at 0.
  3. so this is how my tank is setup its a 5 gallon tank regular sand substrate in the fixture about is a CF 23 watt bulb plants glosso italian vals java moss crypts and two types of hygro fish ghost shrimp cherry shrimp otto cat two baby cichlids (temp) im using flourish comprehensive and excel fertalizers do you think everything will stay healthy?
  4. yeah pisces sold me a tall bunch of it so it chopped it up at the nodes and this is the result it got what do you think?
  5. yeah i got some from there i pmed you about it
  6. looking for some of this stuff if anyone has some they wanna sell or trade for italian vals let me know
  7. 15 watts over what size of tank? java moss and java fern dont need much light they both attach to driftwood i have 3 watts per gallon using fertalizer and flourish excel and i can pretty much grow anything. but yeah if you dont wanna do much look into those two and some crypts work good
  8. my 5.5 planted just using flourish fertalizer and excel java moss, italian vals, mixed crypts and the two big ones im not sure what they are... right now theres about 6 ghost shrimp and two of my baby cichlids
  9. how much are the german blue rams?
  10. yeah ive seen algea shrimp and ghost shrimp, and those red claw shrimp at pisces (they are agressive though) but i really want some cherry shrimp
  11. the only ones ive been able to find are ghost, and the algea ones. anyone seen the cherrys or some other kind around calgary?
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