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pics of Betta's spawning


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thought I would post a few pictures of my pair spawning. Classic spawning activity with the male putting the squeeze on the female under the bubble nest. The female goes completely limp as eggs are discharged. The male goes to the tank bottom and picks the eggs up in his mouth and returns to the nest spitting the eggs into the bubbles. Unfortunatley nothing developed from this spawn.







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Is that a piece of styrofoam cup? Someone online suggested to try squares of that styro mesh that they put on apple-pears....it works fabulously!

yes it is a half of a cup. The next attempt I used a piece of white garbage bag cut about 4 or 5 " aroiund and it work very well. Made it sort of in the shape of a pinp pong paddle using the handle piece to attach to the side of the tank above water. Stayed in one place with no problem.


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Are those veils? :huh:

yes they are. Nice pair but a bit long in the tooth for breeders. My male is over 2 years old and the female is more than a year. Male killed his first mate after a spawning attempt. I just obtained a young pair at our last ASW auction so I'll be giving them a try.


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May sound snotty....but why are you breeding mutts?

Please, no offense intended, just curious. :)

well let me say first of all that I know little about Betta's so if these are "mutts" so be it. I got them from a local LFS that brings them in and sells them like most do in the little bowls. Are all those "mutts". When I look in Baensch Altas under Betta Splendens that appears to be the same as the fish I have. I know the young pair I just obtained from a Betta breeder are different and do not have the large fins that this pair does.


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I really was not trying to sound snotty at all, but to make breeding bettas worth-while, there are many other strains that are a lot more worth it. Such as Crowns, deltas, super deltas, plakats, halfmoons and so on.....it's just that every single store out there has veils, whether they are the most common or not, they will not fetch you any kind of coin and will be almost impossible to sell, considering the raising cost of growing one of these out to a saleable size. I suppose if it makes you happy, then that is alright, but being overrun with 100+ "mutt" bettas could only be a pain. However, if you are successful at raising therm, then maybe you should look into buying some show-quality parents and making a killing off of them. It really is worth breeding high quality stock, if you end up having a talent for it. Sorry. I just don't agree with breeding veils. -_-

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I Sorry. I just don't agree with breeding veils. -_-

so are you saying that the fish are hybrids or just a particular strain that you do not care for. FYI, I did not get into this hobby to make any "coin" and could care less if I was able to sell the fish or not. I would not raise hundreds of them in any event. Most would be culled out to my cichlid tanks and if these fish are not hybrids then I wuuld simply submit my 5 to get BAP points and move on to spawning something else. My main interest is Corydoras , I enjoy spawning Tetras, barbs and just about anything I can get my hands on. Most of these fish bring nothing at auction so I take a lot to the local store and obtain a bit of credit. I would not be interested in buying nor in breeding and raising Betta's. Simply somthing that came along and presented a challange. I wish I had some fish that brought a lot of "coin' but I don't, I simply enjoy the fish and the hobby. No offense taken but do tell me if these fish are hybrids.

Thx. Rick

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Veils are just the most common of lines, so many betta-snobs (like Chris :P ) look down on them. Personally, I far prefer wild-types (plakats) and other species (like imbellis, smaragdina, etc), but I still think that a nicely coloured veil is worthwhile.

intresting, I would never refer to someone else's fish as "mutts" unless in the contex of them being hybrids which of course I didn't think these were. To each their own, matters not. I have lots of other common trade varieties of fish which I guess are "mutts" also but I enjoy them just the same.


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Technically all betta splendens are Hybrids of one sort or another. The original bettas that the splendens came from were more like a plaket or an imbellis. The Splendens and the Imbellis are basically the same fish just one is more peaceful than the other. They are both from the same genes just that the Splendens were breed by man through selective breeding to get the Brighter colors and longer fins. Sort of like the long fin danios and Fancy Goldfish. There are so many different trypes of Splendens due to the various betta species that were cross breed over 100s of years. Some of the strains have only been around for a handfull of years tho. But most if not all splendens have been inbred so much that they now have weak immunity systems and are extremely susceptable to desease. I am trying to find the appropriate wild caught species but the splendens seem to only be a captive bred species, which helps to suport my point about the original crossbreeding to get the species.

IMHO Veils are a good type to start with due to the price of them compared to the others. It would hurt your wallet alot less trying them before the fancier ones due to the aggression factor and the possible loss of or both of them.

I am currently trying to breed Crowns and want to get some halfmoons to start trying to start my Halfsun line. (Halfmoon and Crown Cross)

(Yes I have been trying to do alot of research on them for my own personal reasons.) For more Information on the History of the betta you can read the following Thread. http://s6.invisionfree.com/AlbertaAquatica...p?showtopic=732

Edited by Spinalcore
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":edited after counting to 10: "

LoL, did it work??

When I was breeding bettas I started with veils, mainly because they are less expensive, and when a male beats up a female a bit and she doesn't make it (You really don't know what to expect the first time you breed), its not a huge loss. Its still a life and it makes me mad to lose one, but money wise, its good to learn on less expensive... see if you have the patience to do it with more expensive, or the experience.

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