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Kribensis breeding?


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Ok, I am really thinking our kribensis cichlids bred. We have an ornament like a tree root, which has a cave inside. The female stays in the cave all the time for the past couple of days, and the male hangs around outside guarding the opening. They were doing dances with each other for the past 2 weeks, a day after we got her(when he finally saw her), and now this. I think I might have some babies soon. What do you guys think? This is my first time with these guys, so I don't know what to expect. I have only been keeping kribs for a couple of months now.

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You will know in a few days. The fry are bigger than you would think, and will take f/d brineshrimp right away.you will just have to make sure it gets down to them. Oh and by the way they are West African river cichlids.

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Definitely sounds like the have mated. In my experience I found that the first couple of litters don't survive. The parents have to learn how to raise them. My kribs got very aggressive once they had mated. I would watch out fo your other fish in the tank. If some turn belly up for no reason, they've definitely got a brood. My pair killed all the inhabitants of the tank they were in.

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yeah it's weird because today the female is now out and about, and they are no longer guarding the cave, so they might have had no luck with this batch or something. Maybe I should try turning the ornament upside down and see what comes out. I know it's a bad thing to do, but I would really like to know what was going on inside there. Yeah right now they don't seem highly aggressive that they will kill anyone, but I can see it happening once they become larger. I didn't know the exact location they were from, so I guess that's why this was moved then. I am hoping I may have gotten lucky and we have some babies, but if not this time then hopefully next time for sure. So with these babies I won't need to use the baby brine? I have some of that and the regular brine shrimp. And I can always crush up pellets and flakes small enough for them to eat.

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