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Tank pics


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I have started my first salt water tank at the end of January and I am soooo proud of it. I think it's come a long way in the short span of time!

On another note I only seem to be able to fit one pic. How do u get an album on here?


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That is a nice tank. Do my eyes deceive me or do you have seahorses in there with clowns? Don't the clowns out-compete the seahorses for all of the food? I would love to get a sea horse or two but am afraid with my clownfish they would not get enough to eat.

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I really like the fake flowers!! (Intended in fun) Nice start. I do have a couple suggestions though. Pick as much of that green hair algae out of there as you can. It'll take over your tank. Syphon out that bryopsis. The red slimey stuff. It will take over too. Do some more research on seahorses please!!!!!!!


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I like your enthusiasm! Looks very similar to my first sw tank a few months in.

. Pick as much of that green hair algae out of there as you can. It'll take over your tank. Syphon out that bryopsis.The red slimey stuff.

Good advice.

If you take a scraper to the back wall and siphon off all the green crud off of it, it would be beneficial (and look nicer).

Red slimey stuff would be cyanobacteria. Bryopsis is a green feathery filamentous algae, alot like green hair algae (gha). Real pita to get rid of and will eventually smother your corals as well as looking like h^%$. Pluck out as much as you can and take boiling water in a syringe over the areas it is growing and that should help kill it off. If you want some plant life in there you can probably get some chaeto off of a local hobbyist. (Or if you're in Red Deer, grab some from me.) If you fishing line it to a rock it won't float all over the tank and will provide a small refuge for pods to reproduce. There are other sw plants in existence of course, but sea grass is very difficult to find in Canada and I think caulerpa is just plain invasive and ugly. (but that is just my opinion).

Also, joining canreef would be very beneficial. Tons of experienced sw ppl over there who can give good advice. There are a few on there that know a ton about seahorses in particular. More brains to pick for salty stuff ^_^

The fake flowers probably make an ok hitching post, but you might want to add something else for your pony to hitch on as well. Like a coral skeleton/something hard and skinny he can get ahold of.

Tell us some more about your setup:

Is your seahorse eating frozen mysis? Do you have a skimmer? How often do you do a water change/how large is the WC? How big is your tank? Are you dosing anything? (eg. calcium, iodine, etc.)

Edited by sharuq1
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