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>.> The video is somewhat deceptive. He's not quite as purple as it makes him look! Sometimes, depending how the light hits him, he's almost powder blue.

I am considering changing the light in the tank. Right now it's a 50/50 CF--I like bluer light in my aquariums but the 50/50 might be too much blue for this tank. I'm contemplating a "colormax" CF instead. We'll see.

I've gone from zero to three bettas in one day! Last night after I posted the video my friend called and said she needed me to come get her bettas (I volunteered to look after them for the next three months as she is going to China to teach), so off I went! It was getting late when I got home so I only had time to get the divider in my 10g and then get them into it, so today I rebagged them and set the tank up properly. : )

I insta-cycled using a sponge from another filter. I run double sponges in all my filters for just this kind of situation.



I might put another background on this tank later. Right now it has stick-on "window frosting", which still lets some light through but otherwise makes the glass, well...frosted. :P

Kelly had me take their silk plants but I've also added in a crypt on each side. I'll probably add more plants later--maybe some hygro or ludwigia. There's an AC20 on the tank as well, with the flow turned down. I almost sawed off my hand in the process, but I managed to modify the divider in such a way so that both sides of the tank will get a little bit of the flow from the filter without making a big hole that either fish could jump through.


Kelly's bettas are gorgeous! They have very healthy finnage too, considering she is keeping them in those cube "betta condos" that chain LFSes sell. Actually, even though I disagree with how she was housing them, I do have to give her props because she's been really responsible about doing 100% water changes multiple times each week, properly conditioning the water, and not overfeeding them. The last hurdle would be to get her to get an actual tank...but maybe seeing what I've set up for them will convince her. :D

Anyway, they are both veiltails. The red one is a solid red--I've never actually seen one that red before. He has dark blue highlights on his scales. Once they are settled in I'll get close-ups. I might have to see if anyone wants to breed him. He doesn't have a name (she just calls him "Red Fish").

The blue one (who is mostly blue but does have some red in the fins) is named Bloo. He seems to be just your typical veiltail. : )

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