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trapdOOr snails


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My 2 trapdoor snails had a bunch of babies, last time this happened they bit the dust one after the other

Dont want that to happen again, how do i raise them in terms of food to feed, do i isolate them in a breeders net etc.

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what type of snail are they exactly? 'trapdoor' covers a few species......

high calcium food to aid in shell growth, don't overfeed, do frequent water changes. three important rules to follow in raising shellkids. pm me if you want the recipe for snail jello, which is the best food you can give snails.

are there fish in the tank as well? and what do you have running for filters? hob filters will need netting or a sponge over the intake so the babies don't go for an impeller ride.

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what type of snail are they exactly? 'trapdoor' covers a few species......

high calcium food to aid in shell growth, don't overfeed, do frequent water changes. three important rules to follow in raising shellkids. pm me if you want the recipe for snail jello, which is the best food you can give snails.

are there fish in the tank as well? and what do you have running for filters? hob filters will need netting or a sponge over the intake so the babies don't go for an impeller ride.

snail jello?! how would i concoct that?! that contains high Ca2+?

They are japanese trapdoor snails as per the lfs.

Presently have guppies/1calico BN/1 reg BN. HOB filter, however, the snails are big enough to see with the naked eye.

Your expertise would be greatly appreciated.

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i'm more of a guru on apple snails (briggs), but i would think the basic care for most snails would be the same (and just did a bit of googling to make sure, lol).

even though your baby japanese trap doors are visible to the naked eye, they are not as strong as the adults and the intake to your filters does need to be covered somehow. you can use a piece of pantyhose slipped over the intake tube or a chunk of sponge with a hole down the middle shoved onto the tube. this will keep your baby snails from going up the intake and into the filter. trust me on this one, i have a ramshorn colony in my Aquaclear right now because i didn't cover the intake........... lol.

snail jello is a homemade food comprised of baby food (i use the gerbers brand), calcium supplement, fish food, and plain gelatin to hold it all together. takes about 10 minutes to make. here's the recipe:

Snail Jello

1 can of baby food (4-6 oz)

1 tsp+ fish food (may be omitted)

Calcium/vitamin supplements (I use 1tsp Jurassi-reptical powder w/out phosphorus)

1 packet (= 1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin

You can select any fish food and any flavor of baby food that you like. Try to find baby foods with at least 4% calcium (vegetable medley has a higher %), either fruit or vegetable types are fine. This is a good way to feed fish foods that are good for snails but don't sink, like freeze-dried shrimp, or fish foods that have a strong smell when cooked in other recipes. You can mix in much more than a teaspoon of fish food, and including the ingredients of a "snail trail mix" instead of a single fish food would make this snail treat more nutritionally complete.


Open the baby food and pour it into a small bowl. Heat the baby food in the microwave for 60 seconds (caution, it will be very hot). sometimes more time may be needed depending on microwave power.

Stir in the unflavored gelatin (add it slowly to avoid unsightly clumps of gelatin; don't use a blender or you risk creating air bubbles that will make it float) crushing any lumps with the back of a spoon.

Add calcium supplements and vitamins if you have/want them. Stir thoroughly.

Pour this mixture into a dish with a flat bottom (tupperware-type containers work well; if you are doubling or tripling this recipe, you might consider a pie pan).* Fold in your fish food(s) if you are adding any.

Refrigerate for several hours, then return and cut into cubes.

One jar of baby food yields a good handful of snail treats. Keep them refrigerated until serving. These sink and hold up pretty well in the tank, but as with any food, large uneaten portions should be removed after the snails have finished. These can be frozen for up to a month.

*You can use an ice cube tray to create big treats for a tank full of snails. No slicing is needed in this case.

i use the ice cube tray method and tend to add more fish food and calcium supplement than the recipe calls for, filling each cube about 2/3 with the mixture and feed one cube every two days in my tank that has over two dozen apple snails. i find they lllllooooovvvvveeee the snail jello i make with butternut squash baby food. you can crush up tums for the calcium supplement (i use the fruit flavoured tums) instead of calcium pills. if you are using calcium, make sure the one you get has no phosphorous, copper, or vitamin D. if you go to a health store the clerk should be able to help you find a good supplement. or if you want to save yourself the hassle you could just buy snail jello from me, as i make it all the time and always have at least a couple different varieties in the freezer.

another thing you can do is just drop a couple tums straight into the tank. yes, it will cloud the heck out of your water, but it is harmless to the fish and inverts and will clear up in about a day (add extra filter floss to your filter if you want to). snails can absorb calcium through their soft parts, like the foot, but the calcium is much better absorbed if they ingest it.

anything else you need to know about shellkids, just ask! and the other creatures in your tank are just fine with snails, in case you were wondering. calico pleco? i want to see a pic!


Edited by BettaFishMommy
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